Honeywell is dedicated to researching, developing and manufacturing advanced technologies that help solve some of the world's most pressing issues. In Brno, Honeywell has the largest research and development centre in Europe, offering a wide range of R&D opportunities. Our Aerospace Technologies, Industrial Automation and Enterprise IT divisions are based in Brno.
We are a multinational technology company and our culture is friendly. We welcome new young colleagues, with whom we both deal with work responsibilities and meet for various activities outside of work. We have a hockey team, practice yoga, play football, badminton or run.
About cooperation with FI MUNI
We are a proud long-term partner of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University and we actively cooperate in the following areas:
1. Applied research
Research and development of new technologies are our number one activity. We are happy to cooperate with FI MUNI on a number of interesting projects.
In the AMASS project (2016-2019), we have helped to develop a verification component within the AMASS platform for verifying the safety and correctness of aviation systems and their requirements. The verification was performed on an expert system for multi-modal cockpit interactions.
Together with FI MUNI and Red Hat companies, we also collaborated on the AUTOMATION OF FORMAL VERIFICATION (AUFOVER) project. Its goal was the development of automated formal verification tools and their integration for industrial use.

2. Management of bachelor and master theses
We actively collaborate in the development of assignments and expert guidance of theses. Every year we offer a number of interesting assignments where it is possible to work on real projects in the field of aerospace technology and industrial automation.
3. Events and activities that take place at the faculty
Traditionally, we participate in the Industrial Partners Day, where it is possible to meet representatives from the company and learn about what we do. We also regularly participate in events such as Researchers' Night or Open Day, where we share our enthusiasm for science and technology.
Join us! We work with students during their studies.
We offer part-time and full-time collaborations. You can find our current offer of internships on our website for students. Of course, we also welcome those interested in working with us after graduation. All current positions in Brno can be found here.
What do we expect from students?
- Knowledge/experience in the required field from school projects
- Communicative English
- Interest in long-term cooperation
You can apply your knowledge of C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Python, Raspberry Pi, Embedded C and many others.
What do our students say about us?
"I first heard about Honeywell at the FI MUNI Industrial Partners Day. However, I was more interested in it only at a tour organized by Czechitas, where we got to try out flight simulators and gain a better understanding of the diverse projects Honeywell is working on. For me personally, the most interesting part is the aerospace division, which I joined on a part-time basis during my studies. I met with a flexible approach and after graduating from university I moved to full-time and currently work as a SW Engineer. I have had the opportunity to develop in different ways such as teamwork on diverse projects or feedbacks from more experienced colleagues. I consider it a great advantage that we have room for our own development, we learn from each other and have the opportunity to choose projects and decide what direction our career will take."
Vlaďka Hežeľová
FI MUNI graduate
Where can you find out more about us?
Website: | www.honeywell.com |
Career website: | https://careers.honeywell.com/brno |
Email: |
MartinaxG0czblpz.Hanusova_5r2NWYEm@Honeywell5=xz46UDE.com |
We hold regular Open Days where you can come and see us. We will inform you about the next date on this page.