
In 2000, Y Soft was just a student startup. Fast-forward to today and you’re looking at a global business helping customers around the world build smart business. Y Soft has 17 offices around the world and customers in more than 120 countries. Our flagship solution, YSoft SafeQ, helps businesses manage, optimize, and secure their 2D print and digital processes and workflows. We’re also offering the first-ever 3D printer solution for education. And – wait for it – we have robotic arms.

Candidates looking for a job or an internship will find that working at Y Soft is never boring or monotonous. We’re always open to new, innovative ideas, especially in the product development. And what’s more? Our engineers say that working on Y Soft products is exciting! They also get to use modern technologies – but more on that later.

FI MUNI is close to our heart not only because Y Soft was born in the minds of two former FI MUNI students – Y Soft’s CEO Václav Muchna and CIO Martin de Martini – but mainly because a great number of FI MUNI alumni are currently working at Y Soft. And we couldn’t be prouder to have them with us!

More than just coding


Here’s a juicy detail: we’re both a software and a hardware company. In other words, we’re pretty good at preventing all those small glitches that sometimes happen when companies focus solely on software or hardware manufacturing. It also means that while working at Y Soft you get to see the software we work on in action. And that’s definitely cool.

Surely you’ve heard about our flagship YSoft SafeQ software solution, but that’s not all we work on. We also manufacture 3D printers and develop robotic arms. Robots help us mainly with device testing. FYI: having a robotic arm do the testing while you’re working from home comes in pretty handy (pun intended).

Interested in learning more about the technologies we’re currently working with? Check out the following graph!


Y Soft doors are always open

You won’t find an official Open Doors Day at Y Soft – that’s because we’re happy to give you a tour of the grounds and answer all of your questions on (almost) any day of the year! Feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll set up a tour for individual visitors or a group.

Many years of experience with Masaryk University students

Y Soft has cooperated with the Masaryk University as a strategic partner since 2009. During those years we’ve participated in many projects, events, and conferences for students. So far, we’ve helped more than 90 students with their thesis. There’s also more than a slight chance that you might have attended a seminar led by one of our engineers!

Here’s a brief summary of our past FI MUNI-Y Soft deeds and initiatives:

Meet the FI MUNI graduates turned YSofters

More than 20 FI MUNI graduates are working at Y Soft at this very moment; many wrote their thesis under our supervision and have chosen to stay with us ever since. Here’s what they have to say about their Y Soft experience:

„In 2014, I contacted Y Soft regarding the topic for my Bachelor’s thesis. Then, during the last semester of my Bachelor’s studies, I started working at Y Soft as a part-timer. Once I’ve finished my Master’s studies, I was convinced I wanted to stay with Y Soft.
I advanced in my career from the position of a Junior Embedded System Developer to an Engineering Tech Lead. During the 6 years at Y Soft, I got to work on basically everything the company has to offer – including hardware, web applications, mobile applications, and server applications. Thanks to this, my job never gets boring. I’ve been also steadily improving in various technologies and integrating new pieces of knowledge from the engineering industry into my day-to-day job. Working at Y Soft provided me with a lot of experience in the field of computer science and I would recommend it to anyone out there.“

Dávid Kaya Dávid Kaya
Engineering Tech Lead

“I’ve joined the competition of talented students at the Masaryk University and got to work on a project sponsored by Y Soft. That’s where I’ve figured out the topic for both my Bachelor’s and Master’s theses.
I especially liked Y Soft’s systematic approach to students and the fact that nobody was looking at me for writing a Bachelor’s thesis at Y Soft. I’m now focusing on themes and areas similar to those I’ve worked on in my theses – mainly DevOps. As a student working at Y Soft, I really appreciated the amount of flexibility I was given; it helped me combine work and studies effectively.”

Martin Šalata Martin Šalata
System Integration Engineer

“I replied to an ad I found pinned to a bulletin board at the Faculty of Informatics. I went on two interviews and then, suddenly, I found myself sitting in a Y Soft office! I had no idea it would be that fast. It’s been 4 years since I’ve started working at Y Soft. I’m currently working as a part-time Junior QA Engineer. Working at Y Soft helped me dynamically build my skills and—through collaboration with other YSofters—taught me how to effectively solve problems.”

Pavel Doležal Pavel Doležal
Junior QA Engineer

“I joined Y Soft in February 2019. I met some people from the RQA team at a Job Challenge. I got interested in the product and was given an opportunity to work on my bachelor’s thesis at Y Soft. Currently I am working on a tool to create and manage web UI tests to enhance the capabilities of the RQA system. I really appreciate the opportunity Y Soft gave me; I have learned many new things and met lots of interesting people.”

David Sečkář David Sečkář
R&D Intern

How to get ynvolved

Getting hands-on experience is crucial, but so is a solid theoretical foundation. That’s why we offer flexible part-time jobs and internships that don’t come at the expense of your studies. Wish to do your thesis at Y Soft and share your findings with other YSofters? That’s definitely a possibility! Many of our students’ ideas became part of our product portfolio. Your ideas might be the next YSoft SafeQ, you never know.

Getting involved is easy: either sing up for a thesis topic offered by Y Soft via your university system, or get in touch with us directly to discuss your own topic. Occasionally we also offer student jobs on our career site.

You just need to think byg

At Y Soft, we believe that dreams turn into ideas and ideas lead to important breakthroughs. So, if you can turn the seemingly impossible into possible and aren’t afraid to think big, you’ll love it here as much as we do. Everything else we’ll either teach you, or you’ll teach us.

Contact Person

Jakub Pavlák

R&D Manager
E-mail: Jakub.Pavlak@ysoft.com