Technical Reports
A list without abstracts sorted by year - 1997
DESAM - Approaches to Desambiguation
by Karel Pala, Pavel Rychlý, Pavel Smrž, December 1997, 12 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-09. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
Stepping Stones to an Information Society
by Jiří Zlatuška, A revised version of an invited talk presented at SOFSEM`97 conference. December 1997, 30 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-08. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
PHC Format Description
by Pavel Frýda, Ivan Kopeček, November 1997, 6 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-07. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
Bisimulation Equivalence is Decidable for One-Counter Processes
by Petr Jančar, Accepted for presentation at the 24th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP`97). May 1997, 13 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-06. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
Navigation and Information System for Visually Impaired People
by Ivan Kopeček, Pavel Smrž, May 1997, 7 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-05. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
An Algorithm on Interpolating between Two Shapes of a Molecule
by Aleš Křenek, Accepted for the SCCG`97 in Bratislava. May 1997, 10 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-04. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
Towards Adjusting Informatics Education to Information Era
by Jozef Gruska, Roland Vollmar, A slightly extended version of the invited paper for IFIP TC3 WG3.2 Workshop "Informatics as a discipline and in other disciplines: What is in common?" May 1997, 33 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
Bisimilarity of Processes with Finite-state Systems
by Petr Jančar, Antonín Kučera, These results will be presented at INFINITY`97 workshop. May 1997, 19 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
Lower Bound of Distance in 3D
by Petr Konečný, Karel Zikan, This article is going to be presented at WSCG`97 in Pilsen. January 1997, 16 pages.
FIMU-RS-97-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.
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