Technical Reports
The report FIMU-RS-2006-08
Component-Interaction Automata Modelling Language
by Ivana Černá, Pavlína Vařeková, Barbora Zimmerová, October 2006, 25 pages.
FIMU-RS-2006-08. Available as Postscript, PDF.
The paper introduces a Component-interaction automata language, which was designed for modelling of component interactions in hierarchical component-based software systems. The language supports modelling of important interaction attributes of such systems, and hence provides a rich base for further application of formal methods. Component-interaction automata provide a flexible form of component composition which can respect architectural assembly of the system, communication mechanisms, and other specifics of component-based systems. This allows the language to capture interactions in many different kinds of componentbased systems (built on different component models for instance). This paper provides a detailed study of the language including discussion of its practical application
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