Technical Reports

A list sorted by author - P

Karel Pala

home page:

Corpus-based Rules for Czech Verb Discontinuous Constituents

by Eva Žáčková, Karel Pala, This is an adapted version of the paper accepted for printing in the Proceedings of TSD`99. August 1999, 6 pages.

FIMU-RS-99-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

DESAM - Approaches to Desambiguation

by Karel Pala, Pavel Rychlý, Pavel Smrž, December 1997, 12 pages.

FIMU-RS-97-09. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Jan Papoušek


Evaluation of the Impact of Question Difficulty on Engagement and Learning

by Jan Papoušek, Vít Stanislav, Radek Pelánek, April 2016, 13 pages.

FIMU-RS-2016-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Ahmed Patel

home page:

Application-Level Firewall Protection Profile for High Robustness Environments-Initial Considerations

by Mark Kelly, Václav Matyáš, Ahmed Patel, April 2004, 43 pages.

FIMU-RS-2004-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Tomáš Pavelek

home page:

On Disambiguation in Czech Corpora

by Luboš Popelínský, Tomáš Pavelek, Tomáš Ptáčník, October 2000, 26 pages.

FIMU-RS-2000-07. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Radek Pelánek

home page:

Evaluation of the Impact of Question Difficulty on Engagement and Learning

by Jan Papoušek, Vít Stanislav, Radek Pelánek, April 2016, 13 pages.

FIMU-RS-2016-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Human Problem Solving: Sudoku Case Study

by Radek Pelánek, A full version of a paper presented at the 24th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference January 2011, 21 pages.

FIMU-RS-2011-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Human Problem Solving: Sokoban Case Study

by Petr Jarušek, Radek Pelánek, April 2010, 25 pages.

FIMU-RS-2010-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Verification Manager: Automating the Verification Process

by Radek Pelánek, Václav Rosecký, March 2009, 17 pages.

FIMU-RS-2009-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Evaluation of State Caching and State Compression Techniques

by Radek Pelánek, Václav Rosecký, Jaroslav Šeděnka, February 2008, 19 pages.

FIMU-RS-2008-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Estimating State Space Parameters

by Radek Pelánek, Pavel Šimeček, January 2008, 21 pages.

FIMU-RS-2008-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Web Portal for Benchmarking Explicit Model Checkers

by Radek Pelánek, October 2006, 39 pages.

FIMU-RS-2006-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Reachability Relations and Sampled Semantics of Timed Systems

by Pavel Krčál, Radek Pelánek, A full version of the paper presented at conference FSTTCS 2005. December 2005, 31 pages.

FIMU-RS-2005-09. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

On-the-fly State Space Reductions

by Radek Pelánek, February 2005, 22 pages.

FIMU-RS-2005-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Deeper Connections between LTL and Alternating Automata

by Radek Pelánek, Jan Strejček, September 2004, 26 pages.

FIMU-RS-2004-08. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Relating Hierarchy of Linear Temporal Properties to Model Checking

by Ivana Černá, Radek Pelánek, April 2003, 18 pages.

FIMU-RS-2003-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Distributed Explicit Fair Cycle Detection: Set Based Approach

by Ivana Černá, Radek Pelánek, December 2002, 24 pages.

FIMU-RS-2002-09. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

How to Employ Reverse Search in Distributed Single Source Shortest Paths

by Luboš Brim, Ivana Černá, Pavel Krčál, Radek Pelánek, This is a full version of the paper presented at SOFSEM 2001. November 2001, 22 pages.

FIMU-RS-2001-09. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Distributed Shortest Paths for Directed Graphs with Negative Edge Lengths

by Luboš Brim, Ivana Černá, Pavel Krčál, Radek Pelánek, This is a full version of the paper presented at FST&TCS 2001. May 2001, 19 pages.

FIMU-RS-2001-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Jaroslav Pelikán

home page:

Programmed Learning & Hypertext

by Jaroslav Pelikán, May 1998, 6 pages.

FIMU-RS-98-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Petr Peňáz

home page:

Verbalizing Visual Data for the Blind: Towards a More Complex Graphical Ontology

by Petr Peňáz, December 2008, 18 pages.

FIMU-RS-2008-12. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Florent Peres


Dynamic maintenance of an accepting run

by Florent Peres, Ivana Černá, August 2013, 46 pages.

FIMU-RS-2013-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Ondřej Peterka


A Calculus of Coercive Subtyping

by Matej Kollár, Ondřej Peterka, Ondřej Ryšavý, Libor Škarvada, November 2009, 17 pages.

FIMU-RS-2009-11. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Igor Peterlík

home page:

Haptically Driven Travelling Through Conformational Space

by Igor Peterlík, Aleš Křenek, This report is an extended version of a~paper accepted for presentation at the First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Pisa, Italy, 2005. January 2005, 22 pages.

FIMU-RS-2005-02. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Jaromír Plhák


Detection and Annotation of Graphical Objects in Raster Images within the GATE Project

by Ivan Kopeček, Radek Oslejšek, Jaromír Plhák, Fedor Tiršel, December 2008, 16 pages.

FIMU-RS-2008-10. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Luboš Popelínský

home page:

Proceedings of the Third Learning Language in Logic Workshop

by Luboš Popelínský, Miloslav Nepil, September 2001, 66 pages.

FIMU-RS-2001-08. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

On Disambiguation in Czech Corpora

by Luboš Popelínský, Tomáš Pavelek, Tomáš Ptáčník, October 2000, 26 pages.

FIMU-RS-2000-07. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

WiM: A Study on the Top-Down ILP Program

by Luboš Popelínský, August 1995, 18 pages.

FIMU-RS-95-03. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

On Biases in Inductive Data Engineering

by Jana Kuklová, Luboš Popelínský, March 1995, 7 pages.

FIMU-RS-95-01. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

Tomáš Ptáčník


On Disambiguation in Czech Corpora

by Luboš Popelínský, Tomáš Pavelek, Tomáš Ptáčník, October 2000, 26 pages.

FIMU-RS-2000-07. Abstract, Postscript, PDF.

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