Submission Instructions

A new technical report can be submitted as follows:

  1. Ask the administrator for a fresh report number.
  2. Get the files FIMUreport.tex and FIMUcover.tex and put them into the same working folder.
  3. Format your report using LaTeX.
    • For a successful processing, the fi-logo font must be installed on your system.
    • In the end, you should have a .ps and a .pdf file which are visually identical. The .pdf file can be produced by processing your sources with PdfLaTeX (recommended), or by running Acrobat Distiller on your .ps file. Enhancing .pdf files with hyperlinks is encouraged.
    • Office-like editors are not supported and cannot be used to produce FIMU technical reports.
  4. Submit your report via the electronic submission form.
    • If the report is approved by the administrator, it is included into the FIMU report series and published on www.
    • FIMU technical reports must be written in English.
    • FIMU technical reports are not formally reviewed.
    • There are no hardcopies.

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