Program kolokvií pro semestr Jaro 1997
Program pro Jaro 1997 s abstrakty- 4. 3. 1997
- Jiri Wiedermann, CSAV Praha
- Cognitive computing - getting started
- 11. 3. 1997
- Horst Reichl, TU Dresden
- C0-induction
- 18. 3. 1997
- Karel Pala, Faculty of Informatics, MU Brno
- Morfologicky analyzator pro cestinu (korpusova aplikace)
- 25. 3. 1997
- Michael Noelle, TU Hamburg-Harburg
- Data distribution concepts for data parallel implementations
- 2. 4. 1997
- Petr Hajek, UIVP CSAV Praha
- Deduktivni systemy fuzzy logiky
- 8. 4. 1997
- Georg Gottlob, TU Vienna
- Revising and updating logical knowledge bases
- 15. 4. 1997
- Keith G. Jeffery, SERC, RAL, Oxon, UK
- Databases and the web
- 22. 4. 1997
- Frantisek Plasil, MFF KU Praha
- Corba Architecture - Basic Principles
- 29. 4. 1997
- Jan Hajic, KU Praha
- Lingvisticke anotace Ceskeho narodniho korpusu
- 6. 5. 1997
- Bruno Buchberger, RISK Linz
- The Theorema Projest: An overview
- 13. 5. 1997
- Rudolf Freund, TU Wien
- Molecular computing with test tubes system
- 20. 5. 1997
- Roland Vollmar, Universitaet Karlsruhe
- On some physical restrictions of models of computation
- 27. 5. 1997
- Petr Stepanek, KU Praha
- Deklarativni semantiky logickych programu
- 10. 6. 1997
- Ivan Bruha, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
- Unknown Attribute Value Processing in Rule-based Inductive Algorithms
- 24. 6. 1997
- V. A. Vasilenko, Novosibirsk
- New achievements in algorithms and software in multidimensioanl and extra-multidimensional and extraMD approximations