Program kolokvií pro semestr Jaro 2003
Program pro Jaro 2003 s abstrakty- 4. 3. 2003
- Doc. Lubos Brim, CSc, FI MUNI Brno
- Parallel and distributed model checking
- 18. 3. 2003
- Prof. Miroslav Sveda, FIT, VUT Brno
- Formal specifications reuse for design of embedded systems
- 25. 3. 2003
- Doc. Antonin Kucera, FI, MU, Brno
- Faktory a filtrace prechodovych systemu
- 1. 4. 2003
- Prof. Milos Druckmuller, DrSc, VUT Brno
- Vizualizace slunecni korony
- 8. 4. 2003
- RNDr Petr Savicky CSc, UI AV CR, Praha
- Rozhodovaci stromy a lesy pro analyzu dat
- 15. 4. 2003
- Prof. Roland Vollmar, University Karlsruhe
- Informatics for visually ipaired people
- 22. 4. 2003
- Prof. Frantisek Plasil, CSc, MFF UK, Praha
- Getting ``whole picture'' behaviour from use cases
- 29. 4. 2003
- Prof. Ludek Smolik, Uni Seigen
- Nahodna cisla v kryptografii a jak na to
- 6. 5. 2003
- Dr. Ladislav Hluchy CSc, riaditel Ustavu informatiky SAV, Bratislava
- Virtualna organizacia pre predpovedamie povodni
- 13. 5. 2003
- RNDr Ivana Cerna CSc
- Model Checking: Approaches to the State Explosion Problem
- 20. 5. 2003
- Dr. Rudolf Hanka, Cambridge University, UK
- Semantic context recognition for large scale medical image archive