Natural Language Processing Centre (NLP)

Head: Pavel Rychlý


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The research in Natural Language Processing Centre (NLP Centre) at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, is devoted to the following areas:

  • Large language models, their training and applications with textual and multimodal data (e.g. image, audio and text).
  • Techniques and methods of machine learning for the purpose of natural language processing such as topic identification, sentiment analysis, style characteristics, or authorship recognition.
  • Building corpora, tagging and disambiguating corpus text, tools for corpus modification, maintenance, corpus managers and graphical interface for corpora.
  • Lexical databases with relation to knowledge representation (Czech WordNet and Czech Lexical Database). Tools for viewing and editing dictionaries represented in XML format.
  • Improvement and further development of the tools for morphological analysis of Czech and other languages, solving the word derivation problems.
  • Development of syntactic parsers (partial and general) for Czech and other languages and their exploitation as disambiguators.
  • The problems of syntactic and semantic analysis, knowledge representation and reasoning.
  • Application of NLP techniques in the area of man-machine communication and internet technologies aiming at analysis, mining and generating of text and speech.

Essential educational goal of the NLP Centre is to offer interesting research opportunities both for pregraduate and postgraduate students and train them within the new field of language engineering.