Publications supported by the ERC Consolidator Project LADIST
All research papers supported by the ERC project LADIST are freely available for download from the preprint server arXiv. At the time of the acceptance for publication, the publications with the authors affiliated with the University of Warwick are also deposited to Warwick Research Archive Portal for a full compliance with the open access rules of the RCUK.
Research papers
Authors and title | arXiv link | Publication status |
J. Aaronson, C. Groenland, A. Grzesik, T. Johnston, B. Kielak: Exact hyperplane covers for subsets of the hypercube | arXiv:2010.00315 | Discrete Mathematics 334 (2021), article no. 112490 |
A. Blumenthal, B. Lidický, Y. Pehova, F. Pfender, O. Pikhurko, J. Volec: Sharp bounds for decomposing graphs into edges and triangles | arXiv:1909.11371 | Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (2021), 271-287 |
conference version of the paper | Proceedings of Eurocomb'19, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88 (2019), 463-468 | |
M. Bonamy, Ł. Bożyk, A. Grzesik, M. Hatzel, T. Masařík, J. Novotná, K. Okrasa: Tuza's Conjecture for Threshold Graphs | arXiv:2105.09871 | submitted |
conference version of the paper | Proceedings of Eurocomb'21, CRM Series 14 (2021), 765-771 | |
M. Brianski, M. Koutecký, D. Kráľ, K. Pekárková, F. Schroder: Characterization of matrices with bounded Graver bases and depth parameters and applications to integer programming | arXiv:2202.05299 | submitted |
M. Bucić, J. W. Cooper, D. Kráľ, S. Mohr, D. M. Correia: Uniform Turán density of cycles | arXiv:2112.01385 | submitted |
T. F. N. Chan, J. W. Cooper, M. Koutecký, D. Kráľ, K. Pekárková: Matrices of optimal tree-depth and a row-invariant parameterized algorithm for integer programming | arXiv:1907.06688 | accepted to SIAM Journal on Computing |
conference version of the paper | Proceedings of 47th International Colloquium Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'20), LIPIcs vol. 168, article no. 26, 2020, 19pp | |
T. F. N. Chan, A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ, J. A. Noel: Cycles of length three and four in tournaments | arXiv:1902.00572 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 175 (2020), article no. 105276, 23pp |
conference version of the paper | Proceedings of Eurocomb'19, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88 (2019), 533-539 | |
T. F. N. Chan, D. Kráľ, B. Mohar, D. R. Wood: Inducibility and universality for trees | arXiv:2102.02010 | submitted |
T. F. N. Chan, D. Kráľ, J. A. Noel, Y. Pehova, M. Sharifzadeh, J. Volec: Characterization of quasirandom permutations by a pattern sum | arXiv:1909.11027 | Random Structures and Algorithms 57 (2020), 920-939 |
J. W. Cooper, A. Grzesik, A. Kabela, D. Kráľ: Packing and covering directed triangles asymptotically | arXiv:1909.07120 | European Journal of Combinatorics (2022), 9pp |
J. W. Cooper, D. Kráľ, A. Lamaison, S. Mohr: Quasirandom Latin squares | arXiv:2011.07572 | Random Structures and Algorithms (2021), 11pp |
J. W. Cooper, D. Kráľ, T. Martins: Finitely forcible graph limits are universal | arXiv:1701.03846 | Advances in Mathematics 340 (2018), 819-854 |
J. W. Cooper, D. Kráľ, T. Martins: Finite forcibility and computability of graph limits | arXiv:1701.03846v1 | obsolete because of the newer version |
A. N. Day, V. Falgas-Ravry, R. Hancock: Long paths and connectivity in independent random graphs | arXiv:1909.13771 | Random Structures and Algorithms (2020), 1007-1049 |
Z. Dvořák, D. Kráľ, B. Mohar: Graphic TSP in cubic graphs | arXiv:1608.07568 | Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'17), LIPIcs vol. 66, article no. 27, 2017, 13pp |
Z. Dvořák, J. Venters: Triangle-free planar graphs with small independence number | arXiv:1702.02888 | European Journal of Combinatorics 76 (2019), 88-103 |
J. Gajarský, D. Kráľ: Recovering sparse graphs | arXiv:1709.09985 | Proceedings of 43th International Symposium Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2018 (MFCS'18), LIPIcs vol. 117, article no. 29, 2018, 15pp |
F. Garbe, R. Hancock, J. Hladký, M. Sharifzadeh: Limits of Latin squares | arXiv:2010.07854 | submitted |
F. Garbe, J. Hladký, M. Šileikis, F. Skerman: From flip processes to dynamical systems on graphons | arXiv:2201.12272 | submitted |
F. Garbe, D. Kráľ, A. Lamaison: Hypergraphs with minimum positive uniform Turán density | arXiv:2105.09883 | accepted to Israel Journal of Mathematics |
conference version of the paper | Proceedings of Eurocomb'21, CRM Series 14 (2021), 148-152 | |
R. Glebov, C. Hoppen, T. Klimošová, Y. Kohayakawa, D. Kráľ, H. Liu: Densities in large permutations and parameter testing | arXiv:1412.5622 (revision of an earlier paper) |
European Journal of Combinatorics 60 (2017), 89-99 |
R. Glebov, T. Klimošová, D. Kráľ: Infinite dimensional finitely forcible graphon | arXiv:1404.2743 (revision of an earlier paper) |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 118 (2019), 729-1016 |
R. Glebov, D. Kráľ, J. Volec: Compactness and finite forcibility of graphons | arXiv:1309.6695 (revision of an earlier paper) |
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 21 (2019), 3199–3223 |
A. Grzesik, P. Hu, J. Volec: Minimum number of edges that occur in odd cycles | arXiv:1605.09055 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 137 (2019), 65-103 |
A. Grzesik, O. Janzer, Z. L. Nagy: The Turán number of blow-ups of trees | arXiv:1904.07219 | submitted |
A. Grzesik, T. Klimošová, Ma. Pilipczuk, Mi. Pilipczuk: Covering minimal separators and potential maximal cliques in Pt-free graphs | arXiv:2003.12345v1 | The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2021), P1.29 |
A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ, L. M. Lovász: Elusive extremal graphs | arXiv:1807.01141 | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 121 (2020), 1685-1736 |
A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ, L. M. Lovász: Extremal graph theory and finite forcibility | wrap:88890 (conference version of the paper "Elusive extremal graphs") |
Proceedings of Eurocomb'17, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61C (2017), 541-547 |
A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ, L. M. Lovász, J. Volec: Cycles of a given length in tournaments | arXiv:2008.06577 | submitted |
A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ, S. Mohr: Strong modeling limits of graphs with bounded tree-width | arXiv:2103.10354 | submitted |
conference version of the paper | Proceedings of Eurocomb'21, CRM Series 14 (2021), 273-279 | |
A. Grzesik, J. Lee, B. Lidický, J. Volec: On tripartite common graphs | arXiv:2012.02057 | submitted |
A. Grzesik, J. Volec: Degree conditions forcing directed cycles | arXiv:2102.12830 | submitted |
R. Hancock, A. Kabela, D. Kráľ, T. Martins, R. Parente, F. Skerman, J. Volec: No additional tournaments are quasirandom-forcing | arXiv:1912.04243 | submitted |
R. Hancock, D. Kráľ, M. Krnc, J. Volec: Towards characterizing locally common graphs | arXiv:2011.02562 | submitted |
R. Hancock, A. Treglown: An asymmetric random Rado theorem for single equations: the 0-statement | arXiv:2004.14076 | Random Structures and Algorithms, Available online |
J. Hladký, P. Hu, D. Piguet: Komlós's tiling theorem via graphon covers | arXiv:1607.08415 | Journal of Graph Theory 90 (2019), 24-45 |
J. Hladký, P. Hu, D. Piguet: Tilings in graphons | arXiv:1606.03113 | European Journal of Combinatorics 93 (2021), 103284 |
T. Hubai, D. Kráľ, O. Parczyk, Y. Person: More non-bipartite forcing pairs | arXiv:1906.04089 | Proceedings of Eurocomb'19, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88 (2019), 819-825 |
K. Kloster, D. Kráľ, D. B. Sullivan: Walk entropy and walk-regularity | arxiv:1708.09700 | Linear Algebra and its Applications 546 (2018), 115-121 |
D. Kráľ, B. Lidický, T. Martins, Y. Pehova: Decomposing graphs into edges and triangles | arXiv:1710.08486 | Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 28 (2019), 465-472 |
D. Kráľ, L. M. Lovász, J. A. Noel, J. Sosnovec: Finitely forcible graphons with an almost arbitrary structure | arXiv:1809.05973 | Discrete Analysis 2020:9, 36pp |
D. Kráľ, T. Martins, P. Pach, M. Wrochna: The step Sidorenko property and non-norming edge-transitive graphs | arXiv:1802.05007 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 162 (2019), 34-54 |
D. Kráľ, J. A. Noel, S. Norin, J. Volec, F. Wei: Non-bipartite k-common graphs | arXiv:2006.09422 | Combinatorica 42 (2022), 87-114 |
D. Kráľ, S. Norin, J. Volec: A bound on the inducibility of cycles | arXiv:1801.01556 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 161 (2019), 359-363 |
A. Liebenau, Y. Pehova: An approximate version of Jackson's conjecture | arXiv:1907.08479 | Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 29 (2020), 886-899 |
H. Liu, P. Pach: The number of multiplicative Sidon sets of integers | arXiv:1808.06182 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 165 (2019), 152-175 |
H. Liu, P. Pach, R. Palincza: The number of maximum primitive sets of integers | arXiv:1805.06341 | Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 30 (2021), 781-795 |
H. Liu, P. Pach, C.Sándor: Polynomial Schur's theorem | arXiv:1811.05200 | accepted to Combinatorica |
R. Montgomery, A. Müyesser, Y. Pehova:Transversal factors and spanning trees | arXiv:2107.04629 | submitted |
R. Nenadov, Y. Pehova: On a Ramsey-Turán variant of the Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem | arXiv:1806.03530 | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 34 (2020), 1721–1729 |
P. Pach: An improved upper bound for the size of the multiplicative 3-Sidon sets | arXiv:1801.08733 | International Journal of Number Theory 15 (2019), 1001–1010 |
P. Pach: Monochromatic solutions to x+y=z2 in the interval [N,cN4] | arXiv:1805.06279 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 50 (2018), 1113-1116 |
Survey papers
The project also supported the following survey paper prepared for the 27th British Combinatorial Conference, which was be held in Birmingham in June 2019.
A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ: Analytic representations of large graphs.
Funding information
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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 648509). | ![]() |