doc. RNDr. David Svoboda, Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Phone: | 549 49 4383 |
E-mail: |
One of the priority areas of the MU Gender Equality Plan 2022-2024 is measures against sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence. Detailed information on sexual harassment can be found here. The handling of sexual harassment cases on MU campus is governed by the university's methodology.
Methodology for handling sexual harassment cases at Masaryk University
MU has established a network of contact persons who provide counselling to victims, witnesses and accused of sexual harassment, who are professionally trained in the issue and take an active interest in the topic. In terms of communication with the person involved in such a case, all contact persons have received tailor-made workshops from Konsent and are also familiar with the process of dealing with such a case within MU. The contact person will listen to you, introduce you to the assistance tools available within and outside MU, depending on your specific situation, and explain the MU resolution process to you. All of this could help you make an informed decision about how to handle your situation. If you wish to refer your case to MU, the contact person is ready to help you with this.
There are contact persons under the MU Counselling Centre, contact persons from individual faculties and a contact person from the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate. It is possible to choose the contact person you wish to contact, whether you are a student, staff member or employee. In addition to choosing whether to contact a female or male, you can also choose to use a contact from your faculty or a contact person outside of your faculty.
Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Phone: | 549 49 4383 |
E-mail: |
Head of Human Resources
Phone: | 549 49 1803 |
E-mail: |
What forms of violence are covered by the term gender-based violence? Can you encounter it on campus?
At IS MU, we have put together an interactive training course for male and female employees of the Faculty of Informatics that explains the phenomenon of gender-based violence and offers strategies on how to deal with it if they encounter it on campus. The author of the content is the Gender Information Centre Nora, o.p.s. The training materials were created within the project "Prevention of gender-based violence in the working environment of public research institutions and universities in the Czech Republic", which was financially supported by Norway through the Norway Grants.
The topics of the course include, for example, gender bias against women in academic and research environments, sexual harassment, psychological forms of gender-based violence, bias against women in the recruitment process, gender-balanced expression.
The Preventing Gender-Based Violence e-course can be found HERE.
On 14 November 2024, the Respect to the Ground I workshop will be held as an introductory workshop on sexual harassment.
The goal of this hands-on, interactive workshop is to provide male and female employees with information and tools that form the prevention component of addressing sexual harassment, hazing, and violence on campus. Participants will learn what constitutes sexual harassment and violence by both male and female university employees and students. They will also learn what to do if they have witnessed problematic behavior, how to deal with victims and perpetrators, and who to contact for help. They will try out model situations and learn practical information from the Czech Republic and abroad.
The application form can be found on the CERPEK website.
On December 2, 2024, the Respect to the Ground II workshop will be held, which is a follow-up workshop on the topic of sexual harassment.
The goal of this hands-on, interactive workshop is to provide information and tools to female and male university employees that form the prevention component of addressing sexual harassment, hazing, and violence on campus. The workshop is designed for individuals who have already attended the initial Respect to Campus I workshop. We will put the topic of gender-based violence and sexual harassment in a broader context and connect it to the related topics of intersectionality, physical and psychological violence, economic and financial violence, sexual and cyber violence. We will deepen our knowledge of the bystander or bystander effect and practice how to talk to a victim of harassment in a practical exercise. Real-life stories from a university setting will give us the opportunity to recognize less obvious forms of gender-based harassment, and we will also talk about the most common myths about victim blaming and secondary victimization.
The application form can be found on the CERPEK website.
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