ERASMUS+ Europe at FI MU


Within the ERASMUS+ programme students spend a minimum of 3 months or one semester (maximum 12 months) at the universities which have bilateral agreements with the Faculty of Informatics. The grant is for students who have completed at least one year of their studies. However, students are allowed to take part in this programme max. 12 months on the each level of their study.

Call for Erasmus+ study 2025/26

Office for Doctoral and International Studies announces a call for Erasmus+ study for academic year 2025/26. The living expenses are covered by student from scholarship provided by the programme. Length of stay abroad depends on the particular bilateral agreement.
FI evaluates students according to the following criterias:

  • Study results
  • Language skills (level B2 at least supported by certificate)
  • Cover letter in English (length 1/2–1 page A4) including courses/areas which you would like to study at host universities
  • Departmental coordinator assessment
  • Prior study abroad

FI students apply through an electronic application in ISOIS from 27 January till 23 February 2025.

List of all FI MU Erasmus agreements:

University State Coordinator Places Length (months) Level
University of Tartu Estonia Václav Matyáš 2 5 I,A,D
University of Tallinn Estonia Leonard Walletzký 4 5 I,A
University of Tampere Finland David Svoboda 2 6 A
University of Eastern Finland Finland David Svoboda 2 5 I,A
Åbo Akademi University Finland David Šafránek 2 5 A
University of Jyväskylä Finland Vojtěch Řehák 3 5 I,A
Grenoble Institute of Technolgy France Petr Sojka 3 5 A
ESIEE Paris France Leonard Walletzký 2 5 A,D
EPITA Paris France Jan Strejček 2 5 I,A
ISEN Toulon France Vojtěch Řehák 4 5 A
INSA Centre Val de Loire France Václav Matyáš 3 6 A,D
University of Rennes France Petr Sojka 2 5 I,A
University of Pécs Hungary Jan Bouda 2 5 I,A,D
University of Debrecen Hungary Václav Matyáš 4 5 I,A
University of Pavia Italy David Svoboda 1 6 I,A
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Italy Bruno Rossi 3 5 I,A
University of Salerno Italy Leonard Walletzký 4 5 A,D
Ca'Foscari University of Venice Italy Václav Matyáš 2 6 A,D
University of Cagliari Italy Václav Matyáš 4 6 A,D
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Latvia Vojtěch Řehák 2 5 I,A
University of Luxembourg Luxembourg Václav Matyáš 2 6 I,A
RWTH Aachen University Germany Antonín Kučera 2 12 I,A,D
Dresden University of Technology Germany Václav Matyáš 2 12 I,A
HTWG Konstanz Germany Vojtěch Řehák 2 5 I,A
University of Potsdam Germany Vojtěch Řehák 4 6 I,A,D
Saarland University Germany Petr Sojka 1 12 A
Freie University of Berlin Germany David Šafránek 2 5 I,A
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany Leonard Walletzký 4 5 I,A
Technical University of Munich Germany Antonín Kučera 2 10 I,A,D
Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University of Bonn Germany Leonard Walletzký 2 5 I,A,D
Ulm University Germany Barbora Kozlíková 2 6 A
University of Tübingen Germany Barbora Kozlíková 4 6 I,A,D
University of Regensburg Germany Tomáš Pitner 2 10 I,A,D
University of Paderborn Germany Václav Matyáš 9 10 I,A,D
Otto Friedrich University Bamberg Germany Ivana Černá 2 5 I,A
Radboud University Netherlands Václav Matyáš 3 5 A
University of Malta Malta Václav Matyáš 2 5 I
Nowegian University of Science and Technology Norway Václav Matyáš 3 5 A
University of Bergen Norway Barbora Kozlíková 3 6 A,D
University of Porto – Fac. of Engineering Portugal Leonard Walletzký 2 5 A
University of Porto – Fac. of Science Portugal Luboš Popelínský 3 5 I,A
University of Porto – Fac. of Economy Portugal Luboš Popelínský 2 5 A,D
Vienna University of Technology Austria Barbora Kozlíková 3 5 I,A,D
University of Vienna Austria Petr Sojka 2 5 I,A
Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria Barbora Kozlíková 3 5 I,A
University of Salzburg Austria Vojtěch Řehák 2 5 A,D
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Austria Simone Kriglstein 2 5 I,A,D
University Politehnica of Bucharest Romania Leonard Walletzký 4 5 A
University of Bucharest Romania Antonín Kučera 2 5 I,A,D
Comenius University Slovakia Matej Lexa 2 6 I,A,D
University of Ljubljana Slovenia Matej Lexa 2 5 I,A
University of Balearic Islands Spain Vojtěch Řehák 2 5 A,D
Polytechnic University of Catalonia Spain David Svoboda 3 5 I,A
University of Cordoba Spain David Svoboda 2 5 I,A,D
Polytechnic University of Valencia Spain Petr Sojka 2 5 I,A
University of Valencia Spain David Svoboda 3 5 I,A
Ramon Llull University Spain Leonard Walletzký 2 5 I
Cankaya University Turkey Vojtěch Řehák 2 5 bc., mgr.


Students go for work placement to a foreign company, training or research centre or other organization during the study. Internships may not be performed in the EU institutions and organizations that manage the EU programmes. Internships must be in the length of 2–12 months.

The annual deadlines for submitting applications for grants for Erasmus placements:

  • 31 January
  • 30 April
  • 31 July
  • 31 October

FI students must find a foreign institution and arrange a traineeship themselves. For more information and actual deadlines, see information on the webpage of the university Office for International Cooperation.

Information about the Programme