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Commission for State Final Examinations

Chairs and members for Bachelor's degree programmes Informatics, Informatics in education, Programming and development

Chairs and members for Bachelor's degree programme Cybersecurity

Chairs and members for Master's degree programmes (following the Bachelor's one) Software systems and services management, Software Systems and Services Management

Chairs and members for Master's degree programmes (following the Bachelor's one) Visual informatics, Visual Informatics

Chairs and members for Master's degree programmes (following the Bachelor's one) Computer systems, communication and security, Computer Systems, Communication and Security

Chairs and members for Master's degree programme (following the Bachelor's one) Theoretical computer science

Chairs and members for Master's degree programme (following the Bachelor's one) Software Engineering

Chairs and members for Master's degree programme (following the Bachelor's one) Digital Linguistics

Chairs and members for Master's degree programme (following the Bachelor's one) Informatics for secondary school teachers

Chairs and members for Master's degree programme (following the Bachelor's one) Artificial intelligence and data processing