Program of seminars for 2002/2003
St. 12.00 - 13.00, A107Seminar leader: doc. Prof. RNDr. Ivan Kopecek, CSc. (
Autumn 2002
- September 26, 2002
- Introductory seminar of the autumn semester
- Program:
Information about seminar concept in the autumn semester.
Seminar program agreement.
Discussion. - October 3, 2002
- L. Bártek
- Development of a dialog interface for the library system
- Abstract
The Speech and Dialogue Laboratory develops a dialog interface for accessing library systems. The currently used VoiceXML-based dialog strategy forces users to answer a number of questions in some situations, some of which may be irrelevant to their requirements. The lecture will deal with the solution of this problem by alternative strategies and the methods used. - 10. 10. 2002
- Meetings and discussions with the FI MU Specialist Board
- In addition to PhD students, all other students interested in student science are invited. Take the opportunity to get information, formulate your opinions, problems, questions, and participate in an open and informal discussion.
- October 17, 2002
- Prof. J. Gruska
- How to get famous
- Abstract
Some thoughts and examples how to get easily famous (under certain conditions). - October 24, 2002
- P. Švéda
- Security aspects of using electronic signature
- Abstract
The electronic signature has an embedded legislative framework (by law and operational decree), but there are a number of open, neglected and unresolved issues in relation to practical use and mass enlargement. The signature is created by the computer, but it is not the only stumbling block. The lecture will discuss security aspects of using electronic signature in practice and will point out possible approaches to solving individual isolated problems. - October 31, 2002
- P. Adámek
- XML document search
- Abstract
TBA - November 7, 2002
- M. Povolný
- Electronic dictionaries
- Abstract
Electronic dictionaries and lexical databases are an important part of the NLP infrastructure. In the Natural Language Processing Laboratory we are working on a set of tools for the preparation, querying and presentation of electronic dictionaries and encyclopaedia intended for common use as well as for preparation of databases of semantic relations for other NLP tools. I will present the basic tools and concepts that we use and also some plans for the near future. - November 14, 2002
- J. Bouda
- Encryption of quantum information
- Abstract:
The quantum cryptography is a fast developing branch of quantum information processing. The most fundamental results of quantum cryptography include quantum distribution of key, quantum oblivious transfer and other cryptographic protocols. The fast evolution of quantum cryptography is the evolution of the encryption of quantum information defined in terms of the so-called quantum private channel, in which the plaintext is quantum information, the transmission channel is quantum or classical. As a consequence, we do not have to care about secure distribution of quantum information, but we can concentrate our attention on the protocol itself. - P. Tišnovský
Brno University of Technology, FIT - Modeling and visualization of elastic bodies using hybrid particle systems
- Abstract:
In this presentation, information on the formation of solid models using so-called hybrid particle systems will be given. A hybrid particle system that combines the properties of free and bonded particles is useful when modeling elastic or deformable bodies. The presentation will describe the way of modeling these bodies and the simulation of deformations under the influence of external forces on the body. There will also be outlined ways of visualizing bodies modeled by the particle system. - November 21, 2002
- J. Dohnal
- Searching in Metric Spaces
- Abstract
In order to speedup retrieval in large collection of data, index structures partition the data into subsets that query requests can be evaluated without examining the entire collection. As the complexity of modern data types grow, metric spaces have become a popular paradigm for similarity retrieval. A new index structure called D-Index, combines and novel clustering techniques and pivot-based distance searching strategies to speed up execution of similarity range and nearest neighbor queries for large files with objects stored in disk memories. Contrary to tree organizations, the D-Index structure is suitable for dynamic environments with high rate of delete / insert operations. - November 28, 2002
- F. Procházka
- UMT - Architecture and applications
- Abstract
We will present the tool which is used as a framework for building knowledge oriented systems. This tool is called the Diamond tool and it is a member of the Universal Modeling Tools (UMT) class. The Key Features Of The Diamond Tool Are
- ability to manage and meta * modeling (the number of "meta" prefixes is not restricted)
- the ability to use this tool as a modeling tool and as a production system at the same time
We will show how we can use these features and how it is implemented. We will mention some applications that use the Diamond tool. The Diamond tool is implemented in Prolog and version 1.3.0 is currently available. - December 5, 2002
- D. Svoboda
- Segmentation of tissue nuclei acquired from confocal microscope
- Abstract:
We've been developing a large-scale project of Optical Miscroscopy, which offers a simplified analysis of specimens acquired from a confocal microscope. There is a necessary part of this project - it's a graphics library that supports many non-trivial 3D-image analysis functions. The aim of this talk is to introduce a draft of one module of this library. The module is about how to segment tissue nuclei and analyze them. Since the problem of tissue segmentation is very hard and nowadays there is no good algorithm dealing with this problem, we will be discussing other similar or less succesful methods that has already been published. - 12. 12. 2002
- J. Stibor
- Searching for groups of chromosomes in the digital biomedical image
- Abstract
Nowadays it is necessary to process a large amount of image data in many branches of medicine. There are two possible approaches to processing - either human controlled or fully automatic processing. The automatic approach is for many reasons better. I will present a fully automatic algorithm for searching for groups of chromosomes in digital biomedical image. Input images were obtained from Laboratory of Optical Microscopy, FI MUNI. For their further analysis it is needed to locate areas containing biological material (in this case chromosomes) and this is just the work for that algorithm. - POSTER SESSION
Jiri Barnat: How To Distribute LTL Model-Checking Using Decomposition of Negative Claim Automaton
Jan Pesl: Implementing neural network computations in Maple
Jan Strejcek: Boundaries of Equivalence Checking
Pavel Kolcarek: Multiresolution methods in force feedback
Jitka Zidkova: An Implementation of Distributed Modular Model Checking Algorithm
Lubomir Markovic: Objects with Changeable Roles
David Safranek: SGCCS
Radek Oslejsek
David Antos, Petr Sojka
Jan Flasar, Ludek Pokluda
Miroslav Hrad: Time Stamping
Michal Batko: Scalable and Distributed Data Structures
Zdenek Kaminski: Combo 6
Jaroslav Silbersky: Environmental decision support systems
Spring 2003
- 26. 2. 2003
- Spring semester introductory seminar
- Program:
Information about seminar concept in spring semester.
Seminar program agreement.
Discussion. - March 5, 2003
- J. Stibor
- Searching for groups of chromosomes in the digital biomedical image
- Abstract
Nowadays it is necessary to process a large amount of image data in many branches of medicine. There are two possible approaches to processing - either human controlled or fully automatic processing. The automatic approach is for many reasons better. I will present a fully automatic algorithm for searching for groups of chromosomes in digital biomedical image. Input images were obtained from Laboratory of Optical Microscopy, FI MUNI. For their further analysis it is needed to locate areas containing biological material (in this case chromosomes) and this is just the work for that algorithm. - March 12, 2003
- James Thomas
- Presentations in English and Presentations
- Abstract
As a good commander of the academic world, this one-off lecture-workshop will be touched on a few issues relevant to non-native speakers writing in English for academic purposes. Having proofread many academic papers written by Czechs in English, and having attended numerous lectures and presentations given by Czechs in English, it is hoped that some of the data will be salutary. Furthermore, some general observations about the mode of presentations will be proffered - March 19, 2003
- Jan Frisch
- Gentle Introduction to NET and Grid Management
- Abstract
The presentation will give an introduction to the network, computers, clusters and Grids management. Selected techniques of network monitoring and management through standardized protocols and services will be discussed, followed by their use in large scale computing and storage systems, with emphasis on heterogeneous environments. An illustration of how these methods can be used for integration of distributed systems and creation and management of "virtual organizations" will also be presented. The last part will be dedicated to the expected contribution for end users and project oriented teams and future trends. - 26.3. 2003
- M. Kubásek
- Introduction to Semantic Web and Ontologies
- Abstract
The semantic web is a vision of the future of the World Wide Web. It is not the utopian vision but the feeling that the web has created enormous possibilities and that the right thing is to make use of these possibilities. The fundamental part of the semantic web is ontologies, which provide a description of knowledge representation at meta-level. Ontologies add explicit metainformation describing semantics to data. Knowledge in ontologies is formalized using five kinds of components: classes, relations, functions, axioms and instances. Nowadays, computers are going through change from standalone devices to entry points to world information exchange network. Therefore, support for effective data, information and knowledge exchange is the key effort in contemporary computer technology. Ontologies can offer such support. Ontologies enable also reuse of existing knowledge bases in knowledge engineering. - 2. 4. 2003
- Eva Lasarcyk
- Studies of Phonetics and Computational Linguistics in Bonn
- Abstract:
The talk gives brief information about Bonn University, teaching and research, especially at the presenter institute "Institut für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik". The talk will concentrate on speech processing as well as formal semantics, corpus linguistics, and technology / hypermedia (project "milca"). Depending on the audience's interests, the presenter is prepared to talk about studying informatics at her university as well. Finally, a very brief overview of studying in Bonn and in Germany is provided. - L. Svoboda
- UIO dialog system
- Abstract:
The presentation will cover the UIO dialogue system. The system is designed to answer questions in the Czech language. It is a domain-based system with a solid knowledge base. There are no restrictive requirements on the set of words used. In doing so, account is taken of the ease of configuring domains, making them easy to edit, and "learning" new sentences. - 9. 4. 2003
- Jan Pešl
- Teaching math with MappleNet project
- Abstract
Computer-assisted math teaching becomes very important by expansion of information technologies. The offer of synoptic visualization of math definitions and computations becomes math much more comprehensible for students. The authors of computer algebra systems are developing new software projects related to math teaching. In Maple, there was a project called MapleNet. It offers a complete software platform to enhance mathematics and related courses over the Web. It is suited to meet the emerging challenges of distance, continuing, professional and many other non-traditional forms of education and training. It offers innovative client-server based software components to make it easy for instructors to create and distribute electronic supplements and enhancements to courses. MapleNet provides students with a rich interactive environment to explore difficult concepts. Its applications and lesson components can be easily launched by any web browser and do not require any advanced computing knowledge to run, students can spend their time learning rather than operating software. MapleNet combines Maple software engine with Java-based Web interfaces. - 16. 4. 2003
- L. Pokluda, J. Sochor
- Spatial haptic orientation for visually impaired people
- Abstract
Is it possible to show space relations to blind people? Techniques and experiments described in this talk exploration of several ways blind people can access spatial information using one point force-feedback device. The presentation focuses on techniques supporting their orientation in buildings. Preliminary results show that a wider spectrum of different techniques suitable for blind people is needed. - 23.4. 2003
- Petr Kuba
- Exploiting Sampling and Meta-Learning for Vector Machines
- Abstract:
It is a well-known fact that good parameter settings affect the performance of many machine learning algorithms. Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Neural Networks are particularly affected. In this paper, we concentrate on SVM and discuss some ways to set its parameters. The first approach uses small samples, while the second one uses meta-learning and past results. Both methods have been thoroughly evaluated. We show that both approaches enable us to obtain quite good results with significant savings in experimentation time. - Michal Batko
- 30. 4. 2003
- David Antoš
- Associative Memories for IP Packet Routing
- Abstract
The lecture describes the design of the Lookup Processor in the Combo6 IPv6 / IPv4 accelerating card for IP routing. Header matching in IPv6 requires more than 440 bits to be checked when packet filtering is requested.
It is advantageous to use Content Addressable Memory (CAM) to perform a match, unfortunately, the width of the widest market available CAM is not enough. More advanced processing is needed. We propose and lookup processor based on CAM combined with subsequent tree structure. For the purposes of the router, the structure has to be dynamically (re) computed out of configuration, routing table, and firewall setting. - May 7, 2003
- M. Marciniszyn
- Encryption of Classical Information: Using Quantum Channel to Detect Eavesdropping
- Abstract
We present a cryptographic system which uses quantum channel to transmit classical information between two parties. The transmitted information is perfectly secure in the sense that it is encrypted using the classical Vernam cipher. Any eavesdropping of the message has a large probability of detection and therefore the key can be reused when no eavesdropping is detected. This system can also be used with the key distribution system. - May 14, 2003
- M. Hrad
- 21.5. 2003
- J. Flasar
- Improved interaction in local region
- Abstract:
The interaction is almost accomplished with the virtual objects that the user sees. In this talk, we will show the methods for interaction in the user's local region. Than we will desribe the design of the collection of methods that allow users to interact with only visible objects but even with objects that are hidden behind obstacles. At first, we will mention some techniques that have been using for solving the problem of interaction with hidden behind obstacle. Then we will describe new approaches that improve interaction in this situation. It Means The Techniques (approaches) in question. - L. Markovič
- Objects with Roles & VRECKO
- Abstract:
A Brief Introduction to the Techniques of Creating Applications with Dynamic Behavior - "Objects with Roles" and its Application in the HCI Lab's VRECKO will be presented. - POSTER SESSION
V. Kadlec: PACE - Parser comparison and Evaluation
D. Svoboda, P. Matula: Multilevel Adaptive Thresholding and Dual Simplex Mesh Deformation Tool and Tool for Tissue Reconstruction
Miroslav Hrad: Time Stamping
Martin Vach: Biometrics
Pavel Kolcarek: Application of LOD in Power Feedback
Vlastislav Dohnal: D-index: Indexing Metric Spaces
Tomas Hnilica: WSDATA
Filip Prochazka: Diamond Modeling Tool
E. Hladká, P. Holub: AccessGrid Node at Faculty of Informatics
P. Holub: Protocols for High-Speed Networks
Petr Adamek
Martin Povolný: DEB
Stanislav Barton: Semantic Web Technology
Petr Sojka: Presentations in Spring 2003