Ve dnech 5. a 6.10.2011 se bude konat přednáška pana Abdollaha Eslamiho z Vídně v rozsahu dvou 6hodinových bloků s obsahem: změny v průmyslu, trendy, vývoje telekomunikačních systémů a IP + příklady z praxe. Vypsání této přednášky schválila Oborová rada FI MU na svém zasedání 16. 6. 2011.
Anotace přednášky:
Technology movement (with respect to telecommunication industry) During the last twenty years, we've been experiencing very high speed in the productivity through almost all of our industry sectors. More efficiency, more safety, more quality with respect to Green production is gaining more and more sense and these will be our focus in the next years as well. Apart of many industrial sectors, telecommunication has been and still is the locomotive for other industry sectors to reach their above goals. This industry sector had a very impressed and challenging transition behind itself which is not closed and is still ongoing. Beginning with some general example over movement/transition in the industry, a more detailed overview of the development/transition of telecommunication industry (with respect to IT and internet technology) will be presented within this course.