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Remote access to services

Here you will find an overview of the options that can be used in case of working from home and cancellation of full-time teaching during this period.

  • Access from an external network - basic list of restrictions (network partitioning, firewall, SSH tunnels, blacklist).
    • Alternative to VPN - SSH SOCKS proxy:
      • Connect to a machine on the FI network, e.g.: ssh -D 1080,
      • set up a SOCKS proxy e.g. in your browser: address localhost, port 1080, version v5.
  • Faculty VPN - for services that are only available within the FI network or for services that are only available from the MU network (see link above).
  • University VPN.
  • Nymfe student stations - only accessible via nymfe01, nymfe02and musa01, and usually via Aisu (or generally via SSH from the MU network).
    • VNC on Nymfe - if you need software directly on Nymfe, for example, limited licensing.
  • Windows student stations - via remote desktop, several machines in classrooms B311 ( sirene01 to sirene05) and C403 ( faiax01 to faiax05) and in the LEMMA lab ( hypnos[235]) are accessible from the FI or MU VPN.
  • Employee machines - if necessary, continuous running can be arranged or we can arrange for machines to be woken up in the morning (Wake-on-LAN).
    • Remote Desktop for Windows - contact to set up RDP.
    • Remote Desktop for Linux - contact for help with VNC setup.

Are you missing anything here? Email us at the contact below.