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User HTML pages

Users have the ability to create their own HTML pages and expose them to the world as follows:

  • In the home directory (e.g. on Aise), create a subdirectory public_html:
    mkdir ~/public_html
  • allow access to your home directory for the user apachefi:
    setfacl -m u:apachefi:x ~
  • name the main HTML page file index.html and put it in the public_html directory.
  • The URL pointing to the page built in this way is where login is your username
  • under the public_html directory, you can create a subtree that your HTML page will link to

For the site to work, it is generally necessary for the user apachefi to have access to the site, which is best achieved by setting ACLs (see man 5 acl and man setfacl).

Please note that everyone is responsible for the content of their publicly accessible HTML pages according to the FI Computer Network Usage Rules.

Logging in

Logs of user page accesses are stored on Aise at /var/log/httpd-user/login.log. They are kept for 6 months. The files are read-only accessible to the owner, which is login, and the account root.

Errors and text from standard error output are stored in the same file with the prefix ERR:. They can therefore be easily filtered out of the logs using standard tools such as:

# only error messages
grep '^ERR:' login.log

# everything except error messages
grep -v '^ERR:' login.log

Creating dynamic pages