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Configuration of the local mail system

Without mail forwarding, mails intended for root are delivered to the address (or emails for users in general login arrive at ). For redirection, you need to create an alias and correctly configure a mail system that supports aliases (e.g. Postfix, Exim).

Mail system configuration

When configuring the Postfix mail system, it is necessary to edit the file

# vi /etc/postfix/

and add a line

relayhost = []

and then run the command

# postfix reload

Mail forwarding

Aliases are stored in a file /etc/aliases (or /etc/mail/aliases ). The location of the file depends on the mail system used. You must be logged in as to create/edit aliases root .

# vi /etc/aliases
To redirect mail for users root add a line

Forward your mail for your checking account anyway. The command must be run after each change in the file

# newaliases

This command updates the alias database. For more information on aliases, see man 5 aliases .

Setting hostname

Check that you have the correct hostname set including the domain:

$ hostname

On the systems systemd you can set the hostname with the command hostnamectl :

# hostnamectl set-hostname

Forwarding of emails generated by the command sudo

To redirect form mails *** SECURITY information for *** to an address other than the one set by default, add using the command visudo to a new file /etc/sudoers.d/mailto line

Defaults mailto = adresa

But verify that /etc/sudoers contains a line #includedir /etc/sudoers.d . Alternatively, you can edit directly /etc/sudoers .

Forwarding emails from cron

To redirect emails from cron, you need to add a line to the file from which the tasks are started before the task definitions

Problem solving

If you encounter problems during configuration, you may find the mail system logs, usually located in the /var/log/mail* , /var/log/postfix or /var/log/exim*/ . You can find out the contents of the local mail queue with the command mailq . If you encounter something that you do not know how to deal with, we will advise you on .