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Connecting to eduroam

Instructions can be found here.

Connecting to wlan_fi with a wireless card

In Windows 7, connect to a WiFi network by clicking on the icon in the notification area in the bottom right corner of the screen. connection icon

When clicked, a window will open with available WiFi networks. Select wlan_fi and put Připojit. If the network name is not available, you are probably in an area with a bad signal. If you think the problem is not the way the signal is, contact network selection dialog

The final step is to authenticate with the faculty administration at ( After you enter your faculty login and faculty password, you will be connected.

Cable connection

After plugging the network cable into the PC, you just need to authenticate yourself as you did with the WiFi network connection.

Possible problems and solutions

I am connected to the network, but the page does not load.

Check the IP address retrieval settings

In the window with the list of available WiFi networks, click on Otevřít Centrum síťových připojení a sdílení > Změnit nastavení adaptéru at the bottom > right click on the icon symbolizing the wireless connection and select Vlastnosti > Protokol IP verze 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on Vlastnosti. Set both IP and DNS retrieval to automatic as shown in the picture and press OK. DHCP settings

You can check the correct IP address allocation by running the command line (CMD) command ipconfig. The addresses allocated are in the range ipconfig exit

Try using a different browser or canceling the proxy settings in Internet Explorer

In the START menu, search for Konfigurovat proxy server > Nastavení místní sítě > uncheck Použít pro síť LAN server proxy…

After a few minutes you will be disconnected from the internet and need to re-authenticate

Enable the exception for ICMP echo request in your firewall.
In the START menu, search for Brána Windows Firewall > upřesnit nastavení > Příchozí pravidla > Sdílení souborů a tiskáren (Požadavek na odezvu – ICMPv4-In) > right click and select Povolit pravidlo.
Note: you only need to enable the rule for the network type you selected when connecting to wlan_fi (typically Private, Public). firewall exception for ICMP