Translated using DeepL

Machine-translated page for increased accessibility for English questioners.

Automatic translation of the FI website

We would like to have the FI website in two language versions: Czech and English. The automatic translation we use is aimed at solving those situations where there is only one language version of a page (there are revisions in only one language). The translation is done once per hour. If any changes are made to a manually edited language version, it will be re-translated so that the revisions in the two languages match in content. For pages that have both language versions edited by a human, it is assumed that the human did the translation and therefore that both language versions will be maintained by the human. Translation is supported for HTML5 and Markdown format pages.


It follows from the above that if a human edits an automatically translated revision of a page, that page will no longer be in automatic translation mode. The translation will not be generated so that it does not overwrite the edits made. Responsibility for the currency and content consistency of the revisions in both languages thus passes to the editor. However, the autotranslator logo will remain on the page until the editor manually removes it (more on the logo below).

The DeepL API service is used for translation, which is gradually replacing the Google Cloud Translation API service that was previously used. Both services are obliged to use one of the official logos on the pages with automatic translation. If there is significant editing of a machine-translated revision, it is advisable to remove this logo. What constitutes "significant editing" is at the discretion of the editor.

Alternative URL for an automatically translated revision

A special attribute data-alt-href can be used in links to replace the original href attribute when translating, e.g.

        <a href="" data-alt-href="">Ukázka</a>
is translated to

        <a href="" data-alt-href="">Sample</a>

On the original page, the link will point to, whereas on the automatically translated page, the same link will point to It works when translating in either direction.

How to remove part of a page from the translation

When translating, the content of the <code> and <pre>tags and the content of tags with the notranslate class are ignored. For example, if we don't want to translate the word "scooter", we can do it this way:

        Slovo <span class="notranslate">koloběžka</span> se nepřeloží.


How do I know if a page is in automatic translation mode?

If you have the right to edit a page, you will see information below the edit form indicating whether the page is being translated automatically, or is in manual translation mode, or is one of the exceptions that is not being translated, or is not being translated because it is hidden. The list of translation exceptions is maintained by the administrators.

How do I switch the page back to automatic translation mode?

In the Enable automatic translation drop-down box, click the button according to the desired translation direction.