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Hero Box Image

Manual of faculty marks

Email address

This component allows you to embed an email on a page in a form that can only be converted into a readable form using JavaScript. This prevents most spambots from reading the email address from the page and sending spam to it.

Addresses are specified in the attributes to, ccand bcc. Each address can be of the form

  • 'First Name First Name' <> (write < and > as &lt; and &gt; respectively)

There can be multiple addresses separated by a comma in each attribute. The element body is then displayed as the link text. For an empty body, the content of the to attribute is used.

Mandatory attributes

Recipient addresses.

Optional attributes

A copy of the email.
Hidden copies.
Pre-filled message subject. This subject can be changed by the user, so it cannot be relied upon.
Show the envelope icon before the address.


Description Code Result
simple email
<fi-email to=""/>
simple email with icon
<fi-email icon to=""/>
alternative format
<fi-email to="'John Doe' &lt;;"/>
'John Doe' <>
alternative format with custom content
<fi-email to="'John Doe' &lt;;">John Doe</fi-email>
John Doe
multiple addresses
<fi-email to=","/>,
email with copy
<fi-email to="" cc=""/>

Person on the faculty

Inserts the person's name from IS including titles. The name or titles are automatically updated when changed, no need to overwrite the contact. The name can link to an unauthenticated IS, to a personal page on the MU website, or to the person's private page linked via URL.

Mandatory attributes

just one of:

The person's ID number.
The person's faculty login.

Optional attributes

Person's name to display without titles.
The person's name will be clickable.
  • @IS Generate a link to an unauthenticated section of the IS.
  • @MUNI will generate a link to the MU website.
  • Otherwise, the link specified as URL will be used.
Database for the data source.
  • fi is the Faculty Administration database.
    This is the default for login. It supports both uco and login input. the link will not work after the record is deleted. The record is typically canceled several years after the student or employment ends.
  • is is the IS MU database.
    This is the default value for uco. Cannot be used with login.


Description Code Result
person with UČO
<fi-person uco="396157"/>
Mgr. Roman Lacko
person with faculty login
<fi-person login="xlacko1"/>
Mgr. Roman Lacko
without titles
<fi-person uco="396157" titles="no"/>
Roman Lacko
with link to IS MU
<fi-person uco="396157" href="@IS"/>
Mgr. Roman Lacko
with link to MU website
<fi-person uco="396157" href="@MUNI"/>
Mgr. Roman Lacko
with own link
<fi-person uco="396157" href=""/>
Mgr. Roman Lacko

News and events

Inserts news and events from the required sources (IS bulletin boards or M Magazine categories) into the page.

Mandatory attributes

News sources, see below.
The highest number of news items to be displayed. Can be specified separately for the four screen sizes, or uniformly.

Optional attributes

Layout and shape:
  • simple: simple text listing, displays actions and updates
  • article: (default value) displays only actuals (messages without a filled in event date)
  • calendar: display only events (messages with an event date) in calendar form
  • timeline: display events in timeline form
See also examples.
Force the display of a specific type:
  • news: news (messages without a date)
  • events: events (messages with an event date)
  • all: all messages regardless of the limitation in the value layout.
Beware, some combinations of layout and type may not make sense and in the worst case may cause a page display error.

News feed

News items are synchronized to us once an hour (both from IS and M Magazine). For messages on the message board, to transfer them to us you still need to be the administrator of that section of the message board and enable display on the FI site when editing them (available by expanding more options). If you are not the administrator or don't see these options there but think you should, please contact

Sorting news

The layout parameter also determines the order in which news is displayed. For all types except article, news is ordered chronologically (older news before newer news), for articlethe reverse (newer news before older news).

More precisely, the chronological order is primarily determined by the date of the event (if not defined, the date 2999 is used) in ascending order. If the date of the event matches, secondary ordering is by the date of publication of the message, also in ascending order.

Overview of layout properties

layout sorting by date shows1 time constraints
simple older → newer events, news ongoing
article newer → older news without restrictions
calendar older → newer events current and future events
timeline older → newer events current and future events

( 1) These can be changed with the type attribute.

News sources

In the page attribute, enter the abbreviation of the news source from the table below. You can also enter multiple sources, separate them with a comma (no spaces).

Abbreviation Description English Description
Sources from the IS MU bulletin board
bcmgr Bachelor and Master studies Bachelor and master studies
int Foreign studies International studies
ovv Research and Development Research & development
ekon Economics Department Finance office
phd Doctoral studies Doctoral studies
spp FI MU cooperation with industry Cooperation of FI MU with the industry
spp-opp SPP - Opportunities AIP - opportunities
title From the faculty From the faculty
media They wrote about us About us in media
bud Building Management Building management
sekdek Secretariat Secretariat
knih Library Library
mark Marketing Marketing
pers Personnel Department Personnel Office
staff For Employees Staff news
proj Project Support Project Support
skas AS FI Student Chamber Student Body of AS FI
Resources taken from the web Magazínu M
mu-abs Alumni -
mu-news Events News
mu-stud Student Student
mu-sci Science & Research Science
mu-comm Comments -
mu-sport Sports -
mu-theme Topic -
mu-dyk Do you know...? -


default layout (same as layout="article")
<fi-news page="mu-sci,mu-stud" count="4"/>
layout calendar
<fi-news page="title" count="4" layout="calendar"/>

We are out of news for now.

layout timeline
<fi-news page="bcmgr" count="2" layout="timeline"/>

We are out of events for now.

News archive

layout simple
<fi-news page="mu-sci" count="2" layout="simple"/>
We are out of events for now.

Commission for State Final Examinations

This component allows you to list the chairs and members of the state final exam committees.


Description Code
Chairpersons and members of state final examination committees

Further examples of use can be seen on the State Final Examination Board for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes (for studies commencing in the 2019/2020 academic year).


This component allows you to list the final theses that have received an award from the Dean of FI.

Mandatory attributes

Type of thesis to be displayed. TYPE can be bc-mgrfor bachelor and master theses or phd for dissertations.

Optional attributes

The year in which the awards were given. If the year is not listed, all awards of that type will be listed in order by year.


Description Code
Bachelor's and Master's thesis awards in 2019
<fi-awards year="2019" type="bc-mgr"/>
dissertation awards in 2019
<fi-awards year="2019" type="phd"/>
all dissertation awards
<fi-awards type="phd"/>

You can see more examples of use on the Outstanding Dissertation or Dean's Awards to Students pages.

fi-gallery, fi-photo, fi-image
The gallery is wrapped by the tag fi-gallery. Each descendant is then fi-image - any image (such as img) or fi-photo - a photo from the gallery. Clicking on an image in the gallery starts a slideshow that can be navigated by clicking on the arrows on the right or left side of the image, or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Two strings, ALBUM and ID, describe an image from the gallery. These numbers can be read from the URL of the image, e.g. in the URL

the last part of the URL 04200022/018 means that the album number is 04200022 and the image ID is 018.

Optional attributes for fi-gallery

Default album number for photos in the gallery.
Descendants of fi-photo then do not need to specify this number.
Responsive gallery size, default is default.
The maximum number of images to display in the preview.
If there are multiple images, a message is generated after the last one informing about the number of hidden images. This message respect the number of images (1 image, 2 images, etc.) and the language.

Attributes for fi-photo

The number of the album from which the photo came. Not mandatory if the parent element fi-gallery has this attribute.
Mandatory ID of the photo from the gallery.

Attributes for fi-image

The same attributes can be used as for the HTML tag img.
See for example MDN web docs.
The title of the image to be displayed in the presentation. If not specified, the content of the mandatory attribute alt is used.
A longer description of the image.
The image to be used in the preview.
The ideal dimensions are 270 x 150 pixels, if you use an image from the Files application then the preview will be generated automatically.


<fi-gallery album="01300163">
    <fi-photo photo="007"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="010"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo album="divadlo" photo="0022"></fi-photo>
    <fi-image src="/files/unix/news-generic-1.jpg" alt="FI"></fi-image>

The first and second images are from the album 01300163 (set with the tag fi-gallery), the third image is from the album divadlo, the fourth is not from the gallery but is a custom image stored in the Files app of the Faculty Wiki.

<fi-gallery fi-gallery album="01300260" max-items="4">
    <fi-photo photo="001"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="002"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="003"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="004"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="005"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="006"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="007"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="008"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="009"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="010"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="011"></fi-photo>
    <fi-photo photo="012"></fi-photo>

The preview contains only 4 images due to the max-itemsattribute, and text appears to inform how many images are not shown. However, all 12 images appear in the gallery.

Automatically scalable image

The fi-picture tag allows you to generate different image size variations. This image must be saved in the Files application, image variants from other sources cannot be generated.

Image sizes are selected according to the rules in the rules settings. The browser then selects one of the image variants according to the width of the page.

Mandatory attributes

The path to the image as for the img tag. If the path does not lead to an image in the Files application, the size variants are not generated.
Image description as for the img tag.

Optional attributes

rules="(TEXT|RULE1 RULE2 …)"
Either the name of the preset or a list of rules (below).
Image width and height as for img. These will be used for the default image if no size option is selected by the browser.

Rules for

The simplest option for rules is to use presets. Specify one of the following as the value of rule:

Message size options, i.e. 4, 2 or 1 column depending on the page width. The base image should be at least 610 px wide.
Sizing options for the timeline with the image. The base image should be at least 370 px wide.

Custom sizing can be specified as a space-separated list of rules. Each rule is a pair of numbers of the form PAGE:IMAGE, where PAGE is the minimum page width in px and IMAGE is the width in px of the image to be used. If the image does not have the width attribute set, then the last rule must be of the form 0:IMAGE, or just one number for short, IMAGE. This is used as the default size.

The browser will interpret the rules sequentially. For the first rule PAGE:IMAGE, for which the current page view has a width of at least PAGE, the browser will select an image of width IMAGE.


<fi-picture src="/files/webmaster/news-generic-1.jpg" alt="FI" rules="news"></fi-picture>

An image suitable for displaying for news.


<fi-picture src="/files/webmaster/news-generic-1.jpg" alt="FI" rules="1024:300 600:600 150"></fi-picture>

Example of explicit rules. The first matching rule is selected:

  • For a page at least 1024 px wide, an image 300 px wide is used.
  • For a page at least 600 px wide, a 600 px wide image is used.
  • Otherwise, an image of width 150 px is selected.

If you zoom in and out of the browser window, you should see the changes.


Google Calendar

Inserts into the Google Calendar page. Note that this must be a Google Calendar that is public, otherwise it will not be able to be viewed for technical reasons.

Required attributes

Calendar identifier (or multiple identifiers separated by commas).
It can be found according to the Google documentation Add a Google Calendar to your website, then the value of src given in this code must be entered in the id parameter. For example, of @ it can also say %40).

Optional attributes

Optional title; if not specified, the calendar name is used.
Event color. When using multiple calendars, multiple colors separated by commas may be used.
Calendar width.
Calendar height.


<fi-google-calendar title="Akce FI MU" color="EF6C00"

Embedded third party content

Inserts a frame with content from a supported third party into the page. This is selected by the mandatory attribute type, the value of which determines other mandatory or supported attributes.

Currently, only YouTube videos are embeddable with this tag.

Mandatory attributes

Type of embedded content or third party service. Currently only "youtube".

Required attributes for YouTube video ( type="youtube")

An 11-character identifier for the video.
<fi-embed type="youtube" id="CH8RrXlrqwI" />

Google map of FI location

Inserts a Google map into the page indicating the position of the FI building. It has no attributes or content, i.e. it can only be used like this:


Google Street View tour of FI building

Inserts a Google Street View page with a tour of the FI premises. It has no attributes or content, i.e. can only be used as follows:


See the 3D tour page for an example use case.

Virtual 3D tour of FI building (Matterport)

Inserts a virtual tour of the FI premises (3D tour + labels) into the page. It has no attributes or content, i.e. it can only be used like this:


An example of use is on the 3D tour page.

You can also insert a link leading to a tour starting at some point with a given view direction. Just select the share icon in the tour and check the Link to this location box. Example:

<a href=",-.94&ss=102">
    virtuální prohlídka – PC hala

Virtual Tour - PC Hall

Temporary content

Inserts the content of this element on the page only at the specified time.

Required attributes

at least one of:

since="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
The date from which the content appears on the page.
until="YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm"
The date on which the content stops appearing on the page.


The values of the since and untilattributes are expected in ISO 8601 format. It is also possible to specify a time component in hh:mmor hh:mm:ss format separated from the date by a space.

If the time component of the since attribute is not specified (i.e. if only the YYYY-MM-DD format is specified), this shall be interpreted as midnight at the beginning of the specified day. For until, the missing time component is interpreted as midnight at the end of the specified day. See examples below.

Because changes to the wiki are published once per hour, the deviation from displaying or hiding content can be up to one hour. Therefore, if you want to specify the time in the format hh:mm, we recommend setting the minutes to 00 for simplicity.

Graphical elements for which the expiration date has passed or has not yet occurred will not appear on the official site. In the Wiki editor, they will appear overlaid with a layer of grey bars for preview. Example:


This is a preview of an out-of-scope graphical element. Such elements are not displayed on the faculty website; they can only be seen in the page preview in the Wiki editor.


<fi-temporary since="2022-06-22">
        <fi-photo album="divadlo" photo="0022"></fi-photo>

The gallery will be displayed starting at 2022-06-22 (June 22, 2022).

<fi-temporary until="2023-02-01">
    <a href="https://...">odkaz</a>

That link will only appear before 2023-02-01 (February 1, 2023).

<fi-temporary since="2022-06-01" until="2022-06-14">
    <a href="https://...">odkaz</a>

That link will start appearing from 2022-06-01 (1 June 2022) and stop appearing at the end of 2022-06-14(14 June 2022).

Demonstration of the difference in format with and without time
<fi-temporary since="2022-06-01" until="2022-06-01">
    <a href="https://...">odkaz</a>

The link shown will only display 2022-06-01 (June 1, 2022) from the beginning of the day (midnight) to the end of the day (midnight).

<fi-temporary since="2022-06-01 08:00" until="2022-06-01 20:00">
    <a href="https://...">odkaz</a>

The above link will only be displayed 2022-06-01 (1 June 2022), and will be displayed from 8am to 8pm.