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Last exam date is Tuesday, Jan 31, 2006 at 9:00 in B411.

Sample questions

  1. Which types of requirements do you know?

    5 pt

  2. Which cmmi key process areas are most appropriate to be supported by uml-diagrams?

    5 pt

  3. What frame conditions limit the customer wishes?

    A) B) C) D) ...

    4 pt

  4. Explain why documented processes are a requirement in all quality management models.

    8 pt

  5. What is Branch(C1)-Coverage? How many test cases you have to design to reach C1-Coverage of the following Code:
    void CoverMe (int a, int b)
        if (a < 1)
        if (b < 2)
    A) 1
    B) 2
    C) 4
    D) 8

    4 pt

  6. What is minimum-multiple condition coverage? Design test cases for the example x>3 AND y<5!

    5 pt

  7. How can you cheaply get the input of a big number of users regarding a product?

    A) usability tests
    B) usability inspection
    C) interviews
    D) questionnaire

    4 pt

  8. Why should a project employ Requirements Engineering?

    8 pt

  9. Result of a project effort estimation is to be correctly interpreted as

    A) The minimal possible time to complete the project.
    B) The maximal possible time to complete the project.
    C) The most probable project duration that can be produced at the time of the estimation
    D) The actual project duration with the precision of 10%.

    4 pt

  10. What is a Project Plan?

    8 pt

Further information

The exam will be organized as a written test with about 50% questions with answer possibilites ABCD (in which you can gain 40% of all points) and about 50% open answer questions (where you can gain 60% of all points). If not stated otherwise, exactly one answer of ABCD would be correct. Wrong answer will be credited by -1 pt (per question, not per checked choice). To pass the exam you need to gain 50% percent of total points.
Duration of the exam is about 2 hours.
The first term is on Tuesday, Dec 20 at 10:00 in B204, the second on Tuesday, Jan 3 at 9:00 in B204. The third term is on Tuesday, Jan 31 at 9:00 in B411.


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