Courses taught at the Faculty of Informatics

Here you will find the list of all courses I'm currently taking care of. Most of them are included in the Visual Informatics Master's degree study programme at our faculty, namely in the Computer Graphics and Visualization specialization.

PV251 | Autumn semester


This course provides the students with an overview of the field of visualization and its basic principles and methods. The course includes basic concepts of visualization and typical preprocessing methods for the input data. Then, we introduce typical visualizations, based on the type and dimensionality of the input data. Students are acquainted with typical interaction techniques for data manipulation. An intrinsic part of this course is the practical exercise: within the seminars, the students get in touch with several visualization tools and libraries, which they use for designing and developing their own visualization project.

PA214 | Spring semester

Visualization II

This course extends the knowledge of students in visualization by introducing the research in visualizations with applications in different domains. Students are informed about the main visualization research fields: information visualization, visual analytics, and scientific visualization. These fields will be demonstrated on real application scenarios from different fields - medical, molecular, security visualization, web-based scalable visualization, visual data science, machine learning in visualization, etc. These topics will be introduced by invited speakers - experts in these specific domains.

PB009 | Spring semester

Computer Graphics Principles

A basic course that covers the theory behind computer graphics, such as raster-based algorithms, transformation, projections, curves and surfaces, colors, 3D objects, and much more. Seminars are devoted to hands-on experience with programming of the most important computer graphics algorithms.

PA010 | Autumn semester

Intermediate Computer Graphics

This intermediate course covers more advanced topics in computer graphics. Students get an overview of the key issues and research trends in the computer graphics field. Within this course, the students will have to finish two complex programming assignments in order to get hands-on experience with the selected topics.

PA093 | Autumn semester

Computational Geometry Project

The purpose of this seminar is to practically implement selected topics presented in the M7130 course. Students will create a simple framework supporting the basic point-based operations, which will be further enhanced by the requested algorithms. As an outcome, students will gain practical experience with the implementation of advanced computational geometry applications, forming the basics of computer graphics.

PA157 | Autumn semester

Seminar on Computer Graphics Research

This course focuses on studying and presenting the state-of-the-art, as well as the most recent research papers related to computer graphics and visualization. At the beginning of the semester, students will get the selection of research papers published at the top conferences on computer graphics and visualization, such as SIGGRAPH, EUROGRAPHICS, IEEE VIS, EG EuroVis, or similar. Based on their interest, students choose one research paper and then they individually look up a related "predecessor" paper. Then they prepare and give two presentations about these two papers. The goal of this course is to understand the concepts of exploring and conducting research in computer graphics and visualization and to practice reading and understanding academic texts.

PV160 | Spring & Autumn semester

Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory

This project-based course gives the students the opportunity to work on an individual project or participate in one of the currently running projects within the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory or Visitlab. Students can enroll in this course repeatedly which enables them to establish a long-term collaboration with these labs. Within the HCI lab, students are working mainly on topics related to new forms of multimodal interaction based on virtual reality techniques. The work concentrates on algorithmic and system problems of computer graphics in general, interfaces, position detection, haptic feedback, and the interconnection of solutions into functional systems. In Visitlab, students can join one of the long-term projects, related to visualization of molecules (proteins, DNA), criminological data, geological phenomena, medical data, and options to explore them in virtual environments.