Research Groups
Scientific research at FI is organized rather informally, within flexible research groups which can quickly respond to current challenges and trends in the scientific world.
Formal Methods and Theory
Laboratory of Formal Methods, Logic and Algorithms (Formela)
Laboratory of Discrete Methods and Algorithms (DIMEA)
Systems Biology Laboratory (SYBILA)
Learning in Verification Laboratory (LiVe Lab)
Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language Processing Centre (NLP)
Adaptive Learning Research Group
Research group RationAI - rational and conservative AI
Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society (IRTIS)
Visual Computing
Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis (CBIA)
Human Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCILAB)
Studio of Graphic Design and Multimedia (AGD+M)
Visualization Laboratory (Visitlab)
Security and Embedded Systems
Centre for Research on Cryptography and Security (CRoCS)
Laboratory of Quantum Information Processing and Cryptography (LQIPC)
Design and Architecture of Digital Systems Laboratory (EmLab)
Cybersecurity Laboratory (CYBERSEC)
Data Management
Laboratory of Data Intensive Systems and Applications (DISA)
Laboratory of Electronic and MultiMedia Applications (LEMMA)