General information for visiting students
The Faculty of Informatics library opened its doors for the first time when the Faculty itself was established. Initially the stock of approximately 1,500 books primarily served the Institute of Computing, and this was later extended into the Informatics field, i.e. Computer Science. Approximately 90% of the books and magazines are in English, while the remaining 10% are in Czech. The Library currently holds 18,000 books and 80 journals and magazines. The Library has always granted direct access to the books and magazines, allowing the users to browse the shelves freely.
The library is open to students and staff of the Faculty of Informatics, other faculties within Masaryk University, as well as VUT, the technical university in Brno, which has its own Faculty of Information Technology.
The central library of the Faculty of Informatics is located inside the faculty building and has a large collection of books and articles in English. You can search its online catalogue.
International students at Masaryk University may live in the university residence at Vinarska street, a complex of buildings in one of Brno's most pleasant neighbourhoods. Accommodation is in double rooms, each with an ensuite bathroom and kitchenette. Most of the rooms are wired for Internet access for which there is a modest monthly charge. For those without their own computers or laptops, there are also special computer rooms, for which a small fee per hour is paid. The complex also includes a gymnasium, music rooms, laundry rooms, a photo lab, a student canteen and buffet, and a bistro that is open in the evenings. Public transport puts the faculties within easy reach. The closest to the faculty is Kounicova dorm with double rooms and share bathroom for two rooms.The price of the bed for one student is approximately 3,500-4,000CZK per month.
The website that MU students can use to find private accommodation: or
There is a canteen at the Faculty of Informatics, which is open to all students for lunches at reasonable prices. Students can take advantage of any of the university cafeterias at lunchtime or in the evening. Lunches can be reserved at least one day in advance or students can choose from a more limited selection that is available without reservation. The cafeterias are not open on weekends and holidays.
Living Costs
The cost of living is very low in the Czech Republic compared to most Western countries. You will be able to live very comfortable without spending large sums.
Accommodation at university dormitories | 3500 – 4000 CZK/month |
Lunch in university canteen | 70 – 100 CZK |
Meal in restaurant | about 150 CZK |
Ticket for public transport (60 min.) | 25 CZK |
Month ticket for public transport | 550 CZK/month |
Month ticket for public transport - students to 26 | 275 CZK/month |
Bus ticket Brno – Prague (one way) | 200 CZK |
Air transport
Brno international airport was opened in 2005. It offers scheduled flights to London/Stansted, Munich and Prague. If you arrive in Brno by air, you can go by bus line no. 76 to the city centre, or take a taxi directly to the university residence. The travel time from the airport to the centre by bus is exactly 20 minutes. For one journey you need the 2-zones ticket valid for 60 minutes. It costs 25 CZK (1 EUR) for adults.
Most students will find it convenient to fly to Prague or Vienna and from there to continue to Brno by train or bus. The best way of travelling directly to Brno from Prague or Viena airports is to use buses of private company Student Agency.
Rail transport
From Brno you can travel by regular connections directly to the 3 capitals - Vienna (Austria), Prague (Czech Republic and Bohemia) and Bratislava (Slovakia). The journey to Vienna and Bratislava takes by train 1.5 hours, to Prague you travel by train 3.5 hours, EC trains shorten the journey to less than 2.5 hours.
Public Transport in Brno
The public transport system in Brno is quite comprehensive and reliable. Many tram, bus, and trolley-bus lines allow you to get quickly to any part of the city throughout the day and the evening. You can buy individual tickets at the most newspaper stands, coin-op vending machines, Airport Information Centre, hotels and some shops. The prices of the usual adult tickets: for 10 minutes, without transfer – 15 CZK; for 60 minutes, with transfer – 25 CZK.
Upon entering the first vehicle of your trip you must immediately "punch" your ticket, using one of the small yellow devices attached to the vertical poles near the doors. We have plainclothes inspectors who can ask you for your ticket at any time (without the valid travel certificate the fine is 1000 CZK on the spot!)
Visas and Insurance
If student has been accepted for the studies at MU, s/he will have to turn to the local Czech embassy and consults for the latest information. Application forms are available at the consulates and cannot be copied. The Czech Republic requires for studies over the 90 days to have a student visa. The whole procedure for obtaining a student visa can take up to 60 days. Make sure that you ask for your visa soon enough to receive it before your departure.
Foreign students coming from the EU member countries and the countries of the European economic region should contact their authorized insurance agency, where they have been insured, and arrange medical insurance for studies before travelling to the Czech Republic.
Every foreigner from a non-EU country is obligated to arrange a medical insurance according to a new law that has come into force at the beginning of 2010. It introduces new regulations concerning travel medical insurance for students who are not E.U. citizens and stay in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days.
See the web pages of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic ( The travel medical insurance for a long-term visa, must be concluded with an insurance company authorized to provide insurance services in the Czech Republic.
Before you apply for the travel medical insurance with the insurance company which are currently authorized to provide travel medical insurance in the territory of the Czech Republic, please get in touch with the Czech Embassy or Czech Consulate General in your country to find out more about the visa application policy and their medical insurance requirements for visa issuing.
Recognition of Prior Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
In order to enrol in the Degree Programmes, accepted applicants holding degrees issued by universities outside the Czech Republic have to obtain an official document confirming that their prior degree can be recognized in the Czech Republic. We would like to ask applicants who have received notification of acceptance to the study programme at MU to read the description of the recognition procedure and to initiate this procedure as soon as possible by filling in the application form and providing the necessary documentation.
The request for recognition of diplomas issued by institutions of higher education outside the Czech Republic must contain the following:
- A formal written request (application form), including the student's current contact information, in which the student asks for his/her diploma to be recognized,
- A certified copy of the student's diploma,
- Official university course transcripts,
- Official Czech translations of both documents,
- An apostille is required in some cases. (An apostille is an official document issued in the country of origin, which certifies that a document is authentic).
Mgr. Jaroslava Králová
Office of Studies, Masaryk University
Academic Calendar
The academic year is divided into 2 semesters – autumn semester and spring semester. Each semester contains 12 to 15 weeks of lectures followed by a six to eight week examination period. Autumn Semester: September – FebruaryCourses: middle of September – middle of December
Christmas Holiday: middle of December – beginning of January
Examination Period: beginning of January – middle of February
Spring Semester: February – June
Courses: end of February – middle of May
Examination Period: middle of May – end of June
Credit System at MU
Masaryk University moved to the student driven education and credit system (in accordance with the ECTS – European Credit Transfer System) during the academic year 1999/2000. The standard student workload is 30 credits per semester including credits for subject completion. Credits are a quantitative expression of the workload of a full-time student. One credit corresponds to one study hour per week which means students who adhere to the recommended study plan have 30 study hours per week. Study hours are counted as the hours spent at lectures and seminars as well as the individual work necessary.
In addition to credits obtained from required and selective courses, students can register for subjects offered by any faculty of the Masaryk University.
Information System
Most of the administrative activities and communication proceed electronically through the university information system. The University information system is used for enrolling and registering for subjects, applying for examination dates. All students have access to their study results.
Students are allocated an ISIC student card which is used for identification, especially in restricted access laboratories and PC halls, for written and oral examinations, in the study department, the library, and for ordering meals in the faculty’s buffet.