Wireless network on FI
The wireless network operates on the Wi-Fi 5 standard for the 5 GHz band and Wi-Fi 4 for the 2.4 GHz band. It also meets several other standards in an effort to improve network quality. As of Fall 2019, the faculty Wi-Fi infrastructure is based on UniFi AP HD access points.
The eduroam network
How to connect to the eduroam network.
Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) is an international project supporting user mobility in academic networks. It allows users to connect to the networks of all participating organisations (mainly via Wi-Fi). See the map of covered locations.
Communication between the computer and the wireless access point is secured using WPA/WPA2. Segment or 2001:718:801:22c::/64 is reserved for the eduroam wireless network. The connected stations get their IP address via DHCP or SLAAC. Compared to wlan_fi, there is no need to activate your machine after connecting to the network.
The wlan_fi network
Once connected to the network, authentication to https://wifi.fi.muni.cz or via the captive portal is required for full Internet access.
Once an IP address has been assigned, only access to DNS servers and
is allowed from the station. For full Internet access, you need to activate your machine by accessing the URL
https://wifi.fi.muni.cz with your faculty credentials. Access is limited to a maximum of a few hours.
Activation is also possible through a captive portal that redirects to a login page with faculty authentication. If the captive portal does not appear automatically, you must open an HTTP-only page in your browser, such as http://neverssl.com, and then you will be redirected to the captive portal.
Staff and PhD students have the option to create short-term accounts for guests or smaller events (see also temporary network for events).
For the wireless network, the segment or 2001:718:801:22b::/64 is reserved. The connected stations obtain their IP address dynamically via DHCP or SLAAC.
In addition to propagation over the Wi-Fi network with ESSID wlan_fi, this network is also available in some locations over free Ethernet cables. Again, authentication via https://wifi.fi.muni.cz is required .
Once activated, access to the Internet from the corresponding assigned IP address is allowed anywhere outside the FI network. In terms of the FI network, the connected computer is accessed similarly to any other computer outside the FI network. Therefore, all services on the FI that you can use, for example, if you are connected via another ISP, should work. Some services will not work - for example, disk sharing via NFS and SMB (Windows).
The firewall tests if the activated computer is still active. If it does not respond to a ping (ICMP echo request) or ARP query for more than 5 minutes, the activation of the IP address is cancelled and the user must reactivate the address using the URL above.
Users must note that all communication between their computer and the wireless access point is eavesdroppable, and even a potential attacker has the ability to take over their address and "hijack" an existing connection under certain circumstances. Therefore, it is recommended to use secure encrypted protocols (such as HTTPS, IMAPS, POP3S and SSH) for logging in and transferring data.
Temporary network for events
For events with more than 100 clients expected to be connected at the same time (also consider whether one person may have multiple devices), we recommend that ask to set up a separate Wi-Fi network. The request should include the following information:
- network name (SSID),
- a shared password (minimum 8 characters),
- in which areas the Wi-Fi is to be available (especially in the case of the S building with CERIT-SP companies).
Please note - if availability is also required in Building S, neither the network name nor the password can contain any characters other than alphanumeric, underscore and hyphen. The assigned addresses are from the range
, respectively
Problem reporting
The most accurate problem report possible will be very helpful for successful problem resolution. It should be directed to
and should include:
- A precise description of the problem (speed too slow, high loss rate, inability to connect to the network, frequent disconnections from the network, ...),
- identification of the time (always to the minute), the location in the building (if relevant) and the network name (ESSID),
- MAC address and OS of the device, and attach system logs if possible,
- if the problem has been ongoing for a long time or has only recently started to manifest itself,
- is the problem generic, or is it only happening under certain circumstances?
Or anything else useful.
Links, documentation
- Instructions for getting WiFi working under Windows.