Podklady pro hodnocení kateder na základě článků v impaktovaných časopisech ohodnocených podle pozice časopisu v oborovém žebříčku dle JCR a konferenčních příspěvků ohodnocených dle interních pravidel. Jde o výsledky vykázané za FI nebo s deklarovaným podílem FI (konkrétní výše podílu není nijak zohledněna).
Hodnoty výsledků dělím rovným dílem mezi domácí autory s vazbou k jedné z kateder. Základem pro rozřazení autorů ke katedrám je seznam zaměstnanců kateder. Doktorandi jsou řazeni na katedru svého školitele, ze zbylých domácích autorů jsou ti, kteří mají spoluautory pouze z jedné katedry, zařazeni na tuto katedru, z ostatních jsou ti s významnějším přínosem zařazeni ručně (např. magisterští studenti dle vedoucího DP), podíl těch s marginálním přínosem je rozdělen mezi jejich spoluautory.
Šedě podbarvené jsou vykázány za jinou fakultu, ale s deklarovaným podílem FI.
doc. Mouzhi Ge, Ph.D. (IS), katedra: KPSK, zdroj vazby: seznam
Články v impaktovaných časopisech dle IS MU 2016–2020 (celkem 1.314)Hodnota se počítá jako (Nmax - N + 1) / N, kde Nmax je počet časopisů v kategorii a N pořadí časopisu dle IF. Při zařazení časopisu do více kategorií nebo shodě IF se bere průměr. Najetím myší na hodnotu se zobrazí pořadí v oborových žebříčcích daného ročníku JCR (pro 2020 JCR2019; JCR2020 ještě nevyšlo), odkaz vede na stránku časopisu v JCR (oborové žebříčky tam jsou pod odkazem Rank), funguje ale jen z IP adres MU a je potřeba kliknout alespoň dvakrát, první přístup pouze inicializuje session.
hodnota | díl autora | rok | title | započítaní | ostatní |
0.935 | 0.935 | 2020 | Improving Orienteering-based Tourist Trip Planning with Social Sensing (DOI) | Ge | Persia, Pilato, Bolzoni, D'Auria, Sven |
0.76 | 0.253 | 2020 | Service Design for Resilience: A Multi-contextual Modeling Perspective (DOI) | Walletzký, Romanovská, Ge | Dragoicea, Carrubbo, Georges Badr, Maria Toli |
0.378 | 0.126 | 2020 | A Cross-domain Comparative Study of Big Data Architectures (DOI) | Macák, Ge, Bühnová |
rank | rok | title | započítaní | ostatní | nakladatel | sborník |
A SAC | 2020 | Enhanced Network Intrusion Detection System Protocol for Internet of Things (DOI) | Mbarek, Ge, Pitner | ACM Publishing | Proceedings of the 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing | |
A ISD | 2019 | Industrial Involvement In Information System Education: Lessons Learned from a Software Quality Course | Chren, Rossi, Bühnová, Ge, Pitner | AIS | Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development | |
B AINA | 2020 | Self-adaptive RFID Authentication for Internet of Things (DOI) | Mbarek, Ge, Pitner | Springer, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019) | |
B ICSC | 2020 | Improving Learning System Performance with Multimedia Semantics (DOI) | Ge | Persia, D'Auria | IEEE | Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing |
B IFIP SEC | 2020 | Improving Big Data Clustering for Jamming Detection in Smart Mobility (DOI) | Bangui, Ge, Bühnová | Springer IFIP AICT series | Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - IFIP SEC | |
B CLOSER | 2020 | Research Challenges of Open Data as a Service for Smart Cities (DOI) | Walletzký, Romanovská, Ge | Toli | SCITEPRESS | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science |
B KES | 2020 | Developing the Quality Model for Collaborative Open Data (DOI) | Ge | Lewoniewski | Elsevier Procedia Computer Science | Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - KES 2020 |
B CBI | 2020 | Developing Reliable Taxonomic Features for Data Warehouse Architectures (DOI) | Ge | Yang, Helfert | IEEE | Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics - CBI 2020 |
B DEXA | 2020 | Blockchain-based Access Control for IoT in Smart Home Systems (DOI) | Mbarek, Ge, Pitner | Springer | Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2020 | |
B ICSC | 2019 | Factoring Personalization in Social Media Recommendations (DOI) | Ge | Persia | IEEE | Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing |
B ICEIS | 2019 | Analysis of Data Warehouse Architectures: Modeling and Classification (DOI) | Ge | Qishan, Helfert | SciTePress | Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems |
B BIS | 2019 | Data Quality Management Framework for Smart Grid Systems (DOI) | Ge, Chren, Rossi, Pitner | Springer | Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Business Information Systems | |
B ICSTCC | 2019 | Modelling Service Design and Complexity for Multi-contextual Applications in Smart Cities (DOI) | Walletzký, Ge | Carubbo | IEEE | 2019 23rd International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC) |
B IoTBDS | 2019 | Quality Management for Big 3D Data Analytics: A Case Study of Protein Data Bank (DOI) | Bangui, Ge, Bühnová | SciTePress | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security - Volume 1 | |
B ICEIS | 2018 | Validation and Extension of the Smart City Ontology (DOI) | Štěpánek, Ge | SciTePress | Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS | |
B ICSC | 2018 | Evaluation in Multimedia Recommender Systems: A Practical Guide (DOI) | Ge | Persia | IEEE | Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing |
B ICEIS | 2018 | The Social Media Perception and Reality -Possible Data Quality Deficiencies between Social Media and ERP (DOI) | Ge | Popescu, Helfert | SCITEPRESS | Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems |
B IoTBDS | 2018 | Exploring Big Data Clustering Algorithms for Internet of Things Applications (DOI) | Bangui, Ge, Bühnová | SCITEPRESS | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security | |
B ICSC | 2017 | Research Challenges in Multimedia Recommender Systems (DOI) | Ge | Persia | IEEE | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing |
B ICEIS | 2017 | Guildlines of Data Quality Issues for Data Integration in the Context of the TPC-DI Benchmark (DOI) | Ge | Yang, Helfert | SciTePress | Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems |
B BIR | 2017 | Predicting Data Quality Success - The Bullwhip Effect in Data Quality (DOI) | Ge | Helfert, O'Brien | Springer | Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research |
B ADBIS | 2017 | Assessing the Quality of Spatio-textual Datasets in the Absence of Ground Truth (DOI) | Ge | Chondrogiannis | Springer | Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems |
B EMCIS | 2017 | IT-enabled Digital Service Design Principles - Lessons Learned from Digital Cities (DOI) | Štěpánek, Ge, Walletzký | Springer | Proceedings of the 14th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems | |
B SOCA | 2017 | P2P Web Browser Middleware to Enhance Service Oriented Computing - Analysis and Evaluation (DOI) | Ge | Kobusińska, Wolski, Brzeziński | IEEE | 10th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2017) |
C UMAP | 2020 | Exploring Personalized University Ranking and Recommendation (DOI) | Ge | Elahi, El Ioini, Lambrix | ACM | Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization - UMAP 2020 |
C AHFE | 2020 | Multi-contextual View to Smart City Architecture (DOI) | Walletzký, Ge, Romanovská | Carrubbo, Toli | Springer | AHFE Virtual Conference on the Human Side of Service Engineering |
C I-SPAN | 2019 | Exploiting Recommender Systems in Collaborative Healthcare (DOI) | Ge | D'Auria, Persia | Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science | Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks |
C | 2019 | Advanced Recommender Systems by Exploiting Social Networks (DOI) | Ge | Persia, D'Auria | IEEE | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Humanized Computing and Communication |
C IRI | 2018 | How to exploit Recommender Systems in Social Media (DOI) | Ge | Persia, D'Auria | IEEE | Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science |
C UMAP | 2017 | Item Contents Good, User Tags Better: Empirical Evaluation of a Food Recommender System (DOI) | Ge | Massimo, Elahi, Ricci | ACM | Proceedings of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
D DATA | 2019 | Scaling Big Data Applications in Smart City with Coresets (DOI) | Bangui, Ge, Bühnová | Trang | SciTePress | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - Volume 1 |
D ICERI | 2018 | MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATION INFLUENCED BY COMPLEX SERVICES | Walletzký, Ge | IATED | 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018) | |
D IDIMT | 2017 | Modelling the Service Value Chain for Smart City | Ge, Walletzký | Caputo | Trauner Verlag | Proceedings of the 25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks |
D IDIMT | 2017 | Developing an Enterprise Architecture Framework and Services for Smart Cities | Ge | Helfert | Trauner Verlag | Proceedings of the 25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks |