Podklady pro hodnocení kateder na základě článků v impaktovaných časopisech ohodnocených podle pozice časopisu v oborovém žebříčku dle JCR a konferenčních příspěvků ohodnocených dle interních pravidel. Jde o výsledky vykázané za FI nebo s deklarovaným podílem FI (konkrétní výše podílu není nijak zohledněna).
Hodnoty výsledků dělím rovným dílem mezi domácí autory s vazbou k jedné z kateder. Základem pro rozřazení autorů ke katedrám je seznam zaměstnanců kateder. Doktorandi jsou řazeni na katedru svého školitele, ze zbylých domácích autorů jsou ti, kteří mají spoluautory pouze z jedné katedry, zařazeni na tuto katedru, z ostatních jsou ti s významnějším přínosem zařazeni ručně (např. magisterští studenti dle vedoucího DP), podíl těch s marginálním přínosem je rozdělen mezi jejich spoluautory.
doc. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D. (IS), katedra: KPSK, zdroj vazby: seznam
Články v impaktovaných časopisech dle IS MU 2016–2020 (celkem 1.088)Hodnota se počítá jako (Nmax - N + 1) / N, kde Nmax je počet časopisů v kategorii a N pořadí časopisu dle IF. Při zařazení časopisu do více kategorií nebo shodě IF se bere průměr. Najetím myší na hodnotu se zobrazí pořadí v oborových žebříčcích daného ročníku JCR (pro 2020 JCR2019; JCR2020 ještě nevyšlo), odkaz vede na stránku časopisu v JCR (oborové žebříčky tam jsou pod odkazem Rank), funguje ale jen z IP adres MU a je potřeba kliknout alespoň dvakrát, první přístup pouze inicializuje session.
hodnota | díl autora | rok | title | započítaní | ostatní |
0.822 | 0.411 | 2018 | Semantic BMS: Allowing usage of building automation data in facility benchmarking (DOI) | Kučera, Pitner | |
0.81 | 0.27 | 2019 | Do science and technology parks improve technology transfer? (DOI) | Šteruská, Šimková, Pitner | |
0.51 | 0.17 | 2018 | Smart Grid Testing Management Platform (SGTMP) (DOI) | Hrabovská, Rossi, Pitner | Schvarcbacher |
0.473 | 0.237 | 2020 | Empowering Communications in Vehicular Networkswith an Intelligent Blockchain-Based Solution (DOI) | Mbarek, Pitner | Jabeur, Yasar |
rank | rok | title | započítaní | ostatní | nakladatel | sborník |
A SAC | 2020 | Enhanced Network Intrusion Detection System Protocol for Internet of Things (DOI) | Mbarek, Ge, Pitner | ACM Publishing | Proceedings of the 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing | |
A SAC | 2020 | Verification of Forensic Readiness in Software Development: A Roadmap (DOI) | Daubner, Macák, Bühnová, Pitner | ACM | Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing | |
A ISD | 2019 | Industrial Involvement In Information System Education: Lessons Learned from a Software Quality Course | Chren, Rossi, Bühnová, Ge, Pitner | AIS | Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development | |
A SMC | 2016 | Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid Data: An Experience Report (DOI) | Rossi, Chren, Bühnová, Pitner | IEEE | The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016) | |
B AINA | 2020 | Self-adaptive RFID Authentication for Internet of Things (DOI) | Mbarek, Ge, Pitner | Springer, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019) | |
B DEXA | 2020 | Blockchain-based Access Control for IoT in Smart Home Systems (DOI) | Mbarek, Ge, Pitner | Springer | Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2020 | |
B BIS | 2019 | Data Quality Management Framework for Smart Grid Systems (DOI) | Ge, Chren, Rossi, Pitner | Springer | Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Business Information Systems | |
B IWCMC | 2019 | SeMLAS: An Efficient Secure Multi-Level Authentication Scheme for IoT-Based Smart Home Systems (DOI) | Mbarek, Bühnová, Pitner | IEEE | The 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019) | |
B ICCSA | 2017 | Document-Oriented Middleware: The Way to High-Quality Software (DOI) | Král, Pitner | Žemlička | Springer, Cham | International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications |
B ISESS | 2017 | Planning and Scheduling for Optimizing Communication in Smart Grids (DOI) | Kadlec, Bühnová, Pitner | Springer New York LLC | 12th International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, ISESS 2017; | |
B ISESS | 2017 | Semantic BMS: Ontology for Analysis of Building Operation Efficiency (DOI) | Kučera, Pitner | Springer | Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection. | |
C AINA | 2020 | An Enhanced Blockchain-Based Data Management Scheme for Microgrids (DOI) | Mbarek, Chren, Rossi, Pitner | Springer International Publishing | Web, Artificial Intelligence and Network Applications (WAINA 2020) | |
C AINA | 2020 | Toward Enforcing Security in Smart Homes Using a Trust-Based Scheme (DOI) | Mbarek, Pitner | Nafaa | Springer | AINA Workshops 2020 |
C Big Data | 2020 | Towards verifiable evidence generation in forensic-ready systems (DOI) | Daubner, Macák, Bühnová, Pitner | IEEE | 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) | |
C SCSP | 2019 | Smart Grids and Software Testing Process Models (DOI) | Hrabovská, Šimková, Rossi, Pitner | IEEE | 2019 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP) | |
C BSLab | 2018 | Towards Discovering the Limits of Smart Grid Communication Infrastructure (DOI) | Kadlec, Bühnová, Pitner | Rosecký, Procházka | Springer | Governing Business Systems |
C SCSP | 2018 | Reliability Data for Smart Grids: Where the Real Data can be Found (DOI) | Chren, Rossi, Bühnová, Pitner | IEEE | 2018 Smart City Symposium Prague (SCSP) | |
C SCSP | 2016 | Smart grids deployments within EU projects: The role of smart meters (DOI) | Chren, Rossi, Pitner | IEEE | 2016 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP) | |
C DoCEIS | 2016 | Semantic BMS: Ontology for Analysis of Building Automation Systems Data (DOI) | Kučera, Pitner | Springer International Publishing | DoCEIS 2016: Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems | |
C DiVAI | 2016 | Putting learners’ experience at the center of technology enhanced learning, or how students can learn more while enjoying their classes | Pitner | Motschnig | Wolters Kluwer | DIVAI - 11th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics |
D SMSIS | 2019 | Cybersecurity Qualifications for Industry 4.0 Era | Pitner, Šimková | Jan | VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava | Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems 2019 |
D IDIMT | 2018 | Innovation of the Information System in the Field of Data Archiving | Pitner, Tomášek | Ministr, Lhoták, Chaplyha | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | 26th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT) 2018 Strategic Modeling in Management, Economy and Society |
D IDIMT | 2018 | How to Make Academic-Industrial Collaboration More Effective? | Šteruská, Šimková, Pitner | Ministr | Trauner Verlag | 26th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT) 2018 Strategic Modeling in Management, Economy and Society |
D IT4P | 2018 | Cybersecurity Qualifications | Pitner, Šimková | Ministr | VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava | Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Technology for Practice |
D IDIMT | 2017 | Innovation and diversity | Pitner | Ministr, Pucihar | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | 25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT) 2017 Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy |
D IDIMT | 2017 | Innovation Of The Information Management In Compliance Management Area | Pitner | Ministr | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | 25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (IDIMT) 2017 Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy |
D SMSIS | 2017 | Process Support of Information Security according to COBIT® 5 | Pitner | Ministr | VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics | Proceedings of the 12 th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems 2017 |
D SMSIS | 2017 | Towards a Common Logging and Monitoring Framework for Critical Infrastructures | Pitner, Tovarňák, Kšenzuliak, Kučera | Ministr | VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava | Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems (SMSIS) |
D IDIMT | 2016 | The Academic-Industrial Collaboration As An Innovation Instrument | Pitner | Ministr | Trauner Verlag | IDIMT-2016 Information Technology, Society and Economy Strategic Cross-Influence |