When and where
"If you want to get a feel for what it's like to study at the University, chat with future classmates or just soak up a bit of the atmosphere, feel free to come and see us. When you leave, you'll have a clearer picture.
" Martin Mackovík
student of BSc Programming and Application Development
- Friday 26 January 2024
- at 13:00 the main programme starts
- Faculty of Informatics MU, Botanická 68a, Brno

What can you look forward to?
IQ Testing - Mensa CR
It is necessary to register in advance for one of the dates.
Welcome to FI!
Official opening of the programme for applicants for Bc. Study
Moderated by Jakub Uličný, student of the B.Sc. Computer Science program.
Lecture on the possibilities of the B.Sc. Study at FI MU
Lecture by Prof. RNDr. Jiří Barnat, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Informatics. After the lecture there is a space for questions.
Student presentation not only about university life at FI
Presented by Ondřej Hrdlička, student of the B.Sc. Programming and Application Development program.
Moderated debate with representatives of Bc. and selected NMgr. study programs
Moderated by Jakub Uličný, student of the B.Sc. program Computer Science.
Dividing into groups for excursions
Excursions around the faculty for those interested in Bc. Study
Read the descriptions of the stations that are opening their doors. Choose your route based on what interests you. Get to know the Faculty of Computer Science accompanied by current students!
Lecture on the possibilities of NMgr. Study at FI MU
Lecture by doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Řehák, Ph.D., Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation. After the lecture there is a space for questions.
Distribution into groups for excursions
Faculty tour for those interested in NMgr. Study
Read the descriptions of the stations that are opening their doors. Choose one of the two itineraries based on what interests you more. Get to know the Faculty of Computer Science accompanied by current students!
Giving out rewards for completing the feedback questionnaire
Minecraft FIFoto
Come and have your unique photo taken: in a faculty setting or around the city of Brno in the popular game Minecraft.
Booths of industrial partners of the Faculty of Informatics
Get to know the possibilities of cooperation with these companies:

Are you interested in how a fully automated warehouse the size of the Brno Exhibition Centre can work, what hospital information systems or building management systems look like?
You can also become a part of us from the very beginning of your studies. Are you no stranger to JAVA, C++, C#, .NET, Python and others? Here you will meet almost a hundred developers and you can enjoy an internship/externship, part-time job, bachelor's and then master's thesis and after graduation SEACOMP will open doors to a great IT career.

Graphic Design and Multimedia Studio (AGD+M)
Room C403
We combine graphic design with computer science. We guide students to understand the principles of design in the field of graphic design with overlaps to other disciplines - animation, programming or free creation. You could see our work, for example, in the programme of this year's Brno Christmas in the form of augmented reality.

Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis (CBIA)
Room A320
The CBIA laboratory deals with digital image processing. You can learn about the workings of digital cameras or the principles behind photo editing software, for example. We work closely with biomedical disciplines, so you can also find out how to analyse images of cells from a fluorescence microscope or 3D scans from an MRI scanner.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Centre
Room B203
The Natural Language Processing Centre at the Faculty of Informatics of MU is aimed at obtaining theoretical and applied results in the field of natural language processing. Our work mainly concerns corpus linguistics, lexical databases, knowledge representation, representation of the meaning of natural language expressions, and the use of machine learning methods for automatic text processing. In addition to its research goals, the Centre focuses on engaging graduate and undergraduate students in projects in the interdisciplinary field of "language engineering".

Laboratory of Electronic Multimedia Applications (LEMMA)
Room C511
The ability to express oneself in cinematic language is a skill that comes in handy in today's accelerating and clip-based world. Guided demonstrations of student film productions will give you an insight into the creative workshop of the LEMMA lab and the Film Festivals organised by the Faculty of Informatics of MU.

Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCILAB) & Visualization Lab (Visitlab)
Room A421
Shared workstation for 2 labs: human-computer interaction and visualization.
The HCI lab deals with new possibilities for human-computer interaction. We are testing and finding applications for technologies such as motion sensing, augmented and virtual reality, and 3D printing. Come and see how the human body can be motion captured, or try out how virtual reality learning can take place.
The Visualization Lab is dedicated to designing visualization methods that help explore and understand context in complex and large datasets. We work with a range of experts in different fields (biochemistry, medicine, education) to provide insight into their data to help speed up or refine their workflows.

Digital Systems Design and Architecture Laboratory (EmLab)
Room A415
The lab focuses on the study, development and application of embedded systems (unique single-purpose applications). It is equipped with measurement technology and contemporary technical and software tools for the application of field programmable gate arrays (FPGA-type circuits), single-chip microprocessors and digital signal processors (DSP-type circuits).

Cybersecurity Laboratory (CYBERSEC)
Room S108
The lab specializes in research topics in cybersecurity. Its members have been working in this field for over 15 years and have been behind a number of successful projects during their career, including the creation of a platform for technical cyber exercises and collaboration with the US military. They currently focus on key challenges in the domain and regularly involve students in solving them. At the lab site, you will see the spaces where cybersecurity exercises take place and learn more about studying this field at FI MU.

Industry partners
Honeywell (industrial partner)

Room B517
Honeywell's booth will showcase technologies from the aerospace division of its Brno research and development center - from black boxes and navigation to systems for controlling drones during GPS outages. Our aviation solutions and applications improve the work of pilots and enhance air safety around the world. Honeywell products can be found in nearly all passenger, commercial and military aircraft, as well as in space-based facilities. At the Open Day, we will introduce you to some of the exciting projects you can be involved in during or after your studies at the Faculty of Computer Science.

InQool (industrial partner)

Room A218
We are a Brno company, founded 14 years ago by three students of the Faculty of Informatics, today we are more than 65. Our applications have been contributing to the modernization of Czech and Slovak public administration for several years. We develop web and mobile applications and information systems for ministries, regions, cities, universities, police, foundations and other institutions.

Monet+ (industry partner)

Room S405
Cybersecurity is a key part of the digital world. At MONET+, we know this, which is why we have been creating cutting-edge banking infrastructure and identity solutions for over 25 years. One third of payment transactions in the Czech Republic flow through our systems and our clients include companies such as Česká Sporiteľňa, ČSOB and Air Bank.
Our products protect a number of users in companies, hospitals, government offices and can also be found in the eGovernment and transport sectors.
So, if you don't want your bachelor's or master's thesis to gather dust, but to become a practical part of the latest technological solutions, then MONET+ is the place for you.

Red Hat (industry partner)

Room S505
Red Hat is the world's leading provider of open source software solutions. It is also one of the strategic industrial partners of the Faculty of Informatics of MU. We offer students the opportunity to conduct their research activities and projects. Furthermore, cooperation with Masaryk University includes, for example, writing thesis topics, internships, seminars, conferences, or courses taught by Red Hat employees. We will tell you all about it at the Open Day.

Societies, opportunities for trips abroad, research projects
Friends of the Nordic Wildlife Society
Room A319
We are a group of people, not only from the Faculty of Computer Science, who share a passion for computer science, natural sciences and their popularization. Together we organize activities to impart knowledge to high school students in an interesting and fun way and get them excited for further studies. However, we are also behind a number of events for FI students, other university students and the general public.
Our events include the Correspondence Seminar in Computer Science, the K-SCUK Informatics and Biology Camp, the InterLoS online logic competition, the InterSoB city game, or even the Know FI weekend at the faculty premises.

Into the world with FI MUNI
Room A318
Did you know that students who have done a placement abroad during their studies at FI, for example under the Erasmus+ programme, often remember it as the best experience of their studies? Get informed about the opportunities for trips abroad for you too!

The world in Minecraft by FI MUNI
Room B204
First the faculty, then the whole of Brno and what's next? Our students use Minecraft to display a variety of real-world environments and explore ways to use the video game for education. Come and see how MUNI's FI in Minecraft came about, what the Emcify project is, and how we got involved in climate change education projects in Ireland.

Excursion routes for those interested in the Bc. Studies
Each group for those interested in Bc. study during the excursion will successively walk through 5 different sites around the faculty:
Excursion routes for those interested in NMgr. Study
Both groups for those interested in NMgr. Study will successively walk through 3 different sites around the faculty during the excursion:
You can find out what each station means, where they are located and what they offer on the Excursion Stations tab.
IQ Testing
On the morning before the start of the main program, in cooperation with Mensa CR, we offer the opportunity to take the Mensa CR IQ test at a discounted price at the faculty premises. A good IQ test result in conjunction with a good grade point average is one of the ways to avoid the FI entrance exams. If you are interested, you must register in advance on the Mensa CR website for one of the dates:
On-site registration may not be possible.
Further information
By attending the event, you consent to the taking of photographs of you and their use for FI MU promotional purposes.

Would you like to ask a question about your studies or admissions?
+420 54949 1818
Interested in receiving brochures?
+420 54949 4929
Are you interested in an excursion to FI MU?
+420 54949 4431