Banner for the Day of the Association of Industrial Partners FI MU

Association of Industrial Partners FI MU

A space for innovative cooperation between students, teachers and companies in the field of IT.

Partnerships within SPP

Joining the Association of Industrial Partners (SPP) involves signing a formal agreement with the Faculty of Informatics and setting aside resources to cover the costs of joint activities. Cooperation within the SPP then takes the form of one of the following three levels:

Strategic partner

Long-term common interest is the basis of this highest level of partnership. Strategic Partners has the opportunity to "be there" when the faculty discusses relevant issues of study or research. Strategic Partners take part in support provided to Ph.D. research, and usually have their representative available at FI MU on regular basis.


Usually serves larger companies to establish the initial contact with the prospect of moving on to a higher level. Every Partner gains a dedicated contact person from among FI MU academics, participates in development projects involving several students, or in other activities.

SME partner

This form of cooperation is intended for small companies or the first contact in a partnership. The aim is to get to know each other, understand each other better, and identify concrete opportunities for cooperation.

SPP in the year 2023

6 324 659 CZK

The Faculty revenue from projects involving partners

5 953 616 CZK

Finances provided to support cooperation

700 000
700 000 CZK

Financial support to Ph.D. students

13 841 335 CZK

Total revenue, including contract research

Where to next?


Office for External Relations and Partnerships FI MU
