Custom RTC process templates developed at FI MU

To satisfy specific project needs, 2 custom process templates for RTC were created using RMC and RTC tools.

  • V-model – waterfall-like development process incorporating Verification&Validation and CMMI for Development practices. Download >>
  • PA165 process – for PA165 course

    This process template reflects agile nature of student projects and prescribes simple 4-phase development process. Download >>

What is RTC Process Temlate?

Rational Team Concert is highly process oriented, you can choose one of standard process templates in RTC such as SCRUM and OpenUP or you can create your own development process. Process template describes project phases, roles in process, permissions, task sets and automated actions in RTC. More on

V-model process template

Download V-model process template, documentation >>

Features of this process template are best described in following screencast on YouTube

What is V-model

V-model development process builds on classical waterfall development process. In order to aviod the shortcommings of waterfall method, V-model incorporates Verification & Validation practices to each development phase. Besides these practices, CMMI for Development 1.3 practicess on maturity level 2 and 3 are partially implemented.

More about V-model

For detailed information on RTC process templates deveploment, process documentation development in RMC, integration between RTC process template and process documentation and CMMI analysis, see Radek KohĂșts masters thesis V-model Implementation in Rational Team Concert.

You can also see the on-line documentation of the V-model development process.

V-model process

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